Donna Sharon D'Souza, Member of the Rangasagara Film and Theatre Appreciation Association, Lit- Meet, Department of English of IInd BA was part of a 130 day long theater workshop named "Musquared", organized by Padua Ranga Adyana Kendra. This workshop culminated with a production " KENDONIANS" directed by Mr. Arunlal from Kerala. This play has been staged in various theater and literature festivals throughout the state.
On the 17th of February 2020, the same play was performed at the Bahumuki festival organised by Rangayana Shivmogga.
On the 18th of February 2020, it was performed in the Bahuroopi festival organised by Rangayana Mysore.
On the 10th of March the team performed "KENDONIANS" play at Padua Grounds for the second time.
The Team has performed 12 shows so far and plans to perform many more in the years to come.