Department of Sociology“Neither the life of an individual nor the history of a society can be understood without understanding both.” – C. Wright Mills The scientific study of human culture and social behaviour is known as sociology. The field of sociology is vast, complex, and diverse. It provides us with a window into a world beyond our immediate experience. It offers a unique perspective on society, allowing us to see the close links that exist between social forms and individual experiences. Sociology is a popular subject among students pursuing careers in business, education, law, social research, non-governmental organizations, and government administration. In a multi-religious and multilingual society like India, this subject is critical to the development of healthy and harmonious interpersonal and intergroup relationships. At School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya, Mangaluru, Sociology is offered as one of the major subjects in the BA degree undergraduate programme (3 major subjects as a combination). Students will learn to explore and explain important issues in their own lives, their communities, and the world at large. They will also learn different aspects of society on a personal, social, and global scale after receiving an overview of sociological concepts, theories, with focus on diversity and change in India. As Peter Berger rightly stated that “sociology can help people to take charge of their lives by making them aware of their situation in society and the forces acting upon them…By discovering the workings of society, they gain an understanding of how this process takes place”. The wisdom of sociology is the discovery and realization that things are not what they seem to be. Generally, when people see things, they ask what they are. But a sociologist asks what they are not.
Year of establishment of the Department of Sociology 1970
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