Sl No. Name of the Faculty Title of the publication Journal name
And Number
ISSN  Link/PDF/Certificate 
 1 Ms Anuradha, Ageism in the eyes of Gen z - Perspectives and Strategies International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology - An International Open Access Journal, Peer Reviewed, UGC approved Journal ISSN:2349-6002
 2 Ms Nashwa Iqbal
Ms Saritha D Souza
Senior Citizens perception on Bank Frauds in Mangaluru City Adelaide Journal of Social Work 2349 - 4123
 3 Ms.Sarik Ankitha Exploring Teachers' Perspectives On Cyber Crime Awareness International Research Journal Of Modernization In Engineering Technology And Science (IRJMETS), Volume 06, Issue 09 ISSN: 2582-5208
/faculty-consultancy/faculty- achievements/3863
 4 Ms. Jinsa Joseph The Impact Of Artificial Intelligence On The Contingent Workforce: Opportunities And Challenges Library Progress International P. 21608-21614
 5 Dr. Saritha D’Souza Public Perception of Reintegration of Offenders into Society Library Progress International Vol.44 No.3 Print version ISSN 0970 1052
Online version ISSN 2320 317X

 6 Ms Ruth E. R. Ezekiel,
Ms. Veena B K,
Ms Anusuya Shenoy
'Families Coping Socio-Economic Challenges Post-COVID 19 and Building Resilience for Future Pandemic' International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research (IJFMR) E-ISSN: 2582-2160



Sl No. Name of the Faculty Title of the publication Journal name
And Number
ISSN  Link/PDF/Certificate 
 7  Anuradha Shetty Exploring the Impact of Environmental Harms on the health and wellbeing of the Aging Populations  Deeksha Annual Peer reviewed Journal of Social Work  ISSn 2250-3919   Upload PDF
 8 Ancita Teresa Crasta,
Veena BK, Anusuya
Kamath Kuki Tribe Migration and Livelihood  International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology
& Science (IRJMETS) 
e-ISSN No-25825208
 9 Asst. Prof. Anusuya Kamath
Asst. Prof. Veena BK
A Study on Relationship between Substance Abuse and Academic Performance among Adolescents in Dakshina Kannada  International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology & Science (IRJMETS) e-ISSN No– 2582-5208 uary_2023/33596/final/fin_irj mets1676713863.pdf
 10 Asst. Prof. Anusuya Kamath
Asst. Prof. Veena BK
Soliga Tribes’ Culture and Identity  International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology & Science (IRJMETS) e-ISSN No– 2582-5208 adedfiles/paper/issue_2_february 2023/33556/final/fin_irj mets1676625618.pdf
 11 Asst. Prof. Veena BK
Asst. Prof. Anusuya Kamath 
JenuKuruba Tribe and their Belief System International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology & Science (IRJMETS)  e- ISSN No– 2582-5208 uary_2023/33559/final/fin_irj
 12 Asst. Prof. Anusuya Kamath
Veena B K, Jenis Mary 
Relationship between Psychological well- being and Academic Performance among Adolescents in Dakshina Kannada   International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology & Science (IRJMETS) e-ISSN No– 2582-5208 adedfiles/paper//issue_2_febr uary_2023/33597/final/fin_irj
13 Asst. Prof. Anusuya Kamath
Veena B K, Dr. Jenis Mary 
Relationship between Chemical Substance Usage by Athletes and Their Motivations for Success International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology & Science (IRJMETS e-ISSN No– 2582-5208 adedfiles/paper//issue_2_february_2023/33601/final/fin_irj
14 Asst. Prof. Anusuya Kamath
Veena B K 
Covid 19 - Impact on Psychological and Emotional Well-Being of Adolescents International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology & Science (IRJMETS e-ISSN No– 2582-5208
15 Veena B K
Asst. Prof. Anusuya Kamath 
Impact of Stress Among College Students International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology & Science (IRJMETS)  e-ISSN No– 2582-5208
16 Asst. Prof. Anusuya Kamath
Asst. Prof. Veena BK
Health Status of Koraga Tribe International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology & Science (IRJMETS) e-ISSN No– 2582-5208
17 Asst. Prof. Anusuya Kamath
Asst. Prof. Veena BK 
A Qualitative Study on Wage Discrimination among Women Agricultural Laborers International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology & Science (IRJMETS)   e-ISSN No– 2582-5208
18 Dr Rosa Nimmy Mathew Exploring relationships between Family Resilience and Emotional Intelligence among emerging adults in India  Adelaide Journal of Social Work 2349 - 4123
19 Dr Rosa Nimmy Mathew  Impact of Comprehensive Intervention Program on HIV Positive Adolescents—A
Cross-Case Analysis 
Journal of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent (scopus indexed) ISSN0973-1342 eISSN2754- 6349
20 Ms. Eveleen Benis
Ms. Veena B K
IV- Social Work Education in Karnataka : Dr. Olinda Pereria, a Poineering Educationist of Social Work in Karnataka  Book titled Legacy of a Legend: Dr. Olinda Pereira
A Pioneer in Social Work Education & Practice
ISBN 978-81-957042-0-0   Upload PDF
21 Ms Sarik Ankitha IX- Networking for Social development: Networking for Social development, the Dr Olinda Pereira way Book titled Legacy of a Legend: Dr. Olinda Pereira
A Pioneer in Social Work Education & Practice
ISBN 978-81-957042-0-0 Upload PDF
22 Dr Jenis Mary X- Student support and progression: How creative methodizes are applied to learning at Roshni Nilaya Book titled Legacy of a Legend: Dr. Olinda Pereira
A Pioneer in Social Work Education & Practice
ISBN 978-81-957042-0-0 Upload PDF
23 Asst. Prof. Jinsa Joseph “A study on the work-life balance of Generation Y Information Technology (IT) Employees of Kerala State, India” Madhya Bharti-Humanities and Social Sciences:, January–June:2023 UGC CARE Approved, Group I, Peer-Reviewed, Bilingual, Biannual Multi-disciplinary Referred Journal ISSN: 0974-0066
24 Asst .Prof. Anuradha Shetty  A Study on Quality of Life among Women in Kerala After Adapting to Menstrual Cups Adelaide journal of social work 2349 - 4123
25 Asst. Prof. Cecilia F Goveas Customer Satisfaction of E-Banking Services and Products Provided by the Nationalized and Private Banks: A Review of Literature International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN: 2319-7064
26 Asst. Prof. Jinsa Joseph   “A study on the challenges of work from home facility for in Mangalore City –An Analytical View  South India Journal Of Social Science; January-June 2023: UGC CARE Approved, Group I, Bi-Annual Journal  ISSN:0972-8945
27  Dr. Saritha D’Souza  An Examination of Inkjet and Laser Printed Documents using Stereomicroscope : A Forensic Approach  International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology  ISSN: 2395-6011
28  Dr. Saritha D’ Souza Raman Spectroscopic Analysis of Inkjet and Laser Printed Documents to Find the Source of Printing  International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology  ISSN: 2395-6011
29 Dr. Saritha D’ Souza Efficacy of Benzidine Test in the Identification of Blood Stains Found on Different Fabrics after Washing for Consecutive Days Journal Forensic Research and Criminal Investigation ISSN: 2640-0846

30  Asst. Prof. Cecilia Farida Goveas A Study On The Effectiveness Of Atm/Debit Card As A Modern Banking Tool In Providing Customer Satisfaction; A Case Study Among The Nationalized And Private Banks In Mangalore  International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science   ISSN: 2582-5208
31 Dr Kiran Prasad B A Study on The Effectiveness Of Atm/Debit Card As A Modern Banking Tool In Providing Customer Satisfaction; A Case Study Among The Nationalized And Private Banks In Mangalore International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science  ISSN: 2582-5208
32 Asst. Prof. Roshan D’souza  Brute forcing on secured shell servers emphasizing the role of cyber forensics- a quali- quantitative study Medico-legal Journal, Sage Publications  ISSN:2042-1834 
33 Ms. Veena B K
Asst. Prof. Anusuya Kamath
'Challenges Faced By Single Parents' Published in Volume XXXII, No. 1 (V) January– June: 2024 in the Journal of Foundational Research ISSN: 2395-5635
34 Ms. Anusuya Kamath
Ms. Veena B K
‘A Study On Lifestyle And Health Dynamic Among Z Generation And Its Impact On Mental Well Being’ Humanities and Social Science Studies journal: Vol. 13, Issue 01, No. 05, January - June: 2024 UGC Care Approved, Group I, Peer Reviewed, Bilingual, Biannual, Multi- disciplinary Refereed Journal ISSN 2319-829X
35 Ms. Veena B K
Ms Anusuya Kamath
Impacts And Consequences Of Modernization On Lambani Tribe Rabindra Bharati University Journal of Economics Vol.: XXVIII, No: 2, 2024 with IF: 6.986 UGC CARE Approved, Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal ISSN: 0975-802X
36 Asha Albuquerque-Pai
Melanie Pius Dsouza
Teddy Andrews
Jaihind Jothikaran
K. V. Sebastin
Lena Ashok
Defining e-research in social work: a review of strategies and challenges China Journal of Social Work  Volume 16, 2023 - Issue 2, Pages 137-165
37 Vishanth Anton Menezes
Rosa Nimmy Mathew 
 What Compels People to Play Games in India? A Study Comparing Gaming Motives across the Two Genders  International journal of Indian psychology 2348-5396 (Online)
38 Ms.Sarik Ankitha "A Research Project On Investigating The Influence Of Violent Video Games On Children"   International Research Journal Of Modernization In Engineering Technology And Science (IRJMETS)  ISSN:2582-5208
39  Ms.Sarik Ankitha “Perspectives Of Transgender Individuals On The Challenges And Legal Issues Encountered In Society”  International Research Journal Of Modernization In Engineering Technology And Science (IRJMETS)  ISSN:2582-5208
40  Deepika Santhosh  “Exploring The Impact Of Social Media Integration In Students’ Collaboration And Interaction In E-Learning”  International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science (IRJMETS)  ISSN- 2582-5208
41  Deepika Santhosh “Investment Behaviour Among Individuals In The Post Covid 19 Pandemic Period; An Empirical Study In Mangalore City” Top of Form  International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science (IRJMETS)  ISSN- 2582-5208
42  Anuradha Shetty  Exploring the impact of Environmental Harms on the Health and Well-Being of the Aging Population  Deeksha Journal of Social work ISSN – 2250 – 3919
43  Sandra Sunitha Lobo  Parenting in Families of Zoomers and Millennials  Deeksha Journal of Social work  ISSN – 2250 – 3919
 44  Ms.Sarik Ankitha  A Research Endeavor Examining The Consciousness And Viewpoints Of The Populace Regarding Acid Assaults In Karnataka"  International Research Journal Of Modernization In Engineering Technology And Science  ISSN: 2582-5208
45  Ms.Sarik Ankitha  Women's Opinions on Sexual Harassment on Social Media"  International Research Journal Of Modernization In Engineering Technology And Science (IRJMETS)   ISSN: 2582-5208
46  Ms.Sarik Ankitha  Exploring Public Perspectives on Substance Abuse  International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology & Science (IRJMETS)  ISSN: 2582-5208



Sl No. Name of the Faculty Title of the publication Journal name
And Number
ISSN  Link/PDF/Certificate 
 47 Dr. Sandra Sunitha Lobo  Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) on Physical and Mental Well-being: The Doctors’ Perspective  The International Journal of Indian Psychology  ISSN: 2349-3429 
48 Asst. Prof. Roshini Monica Goveas
Dr. Sandra Sunitha Lobo
 Adolescents’ perspectives on Psychological Well-being  Indian Journal of Psychological Science  0976-9218, 17 (Special issue)
49  Dr. Rosa Nimmy Mathew  Perceived stress among Postgraduate
 Adelaide Journal of Social Works  2349-4123
50  Asst. Prof. Rosa Nimmy Mathew  Self-esteem and self- efficacy among HIV- positive intervention study  Adolescents: International Journal of HIV- Related Problems, Termimedia. HIV &AIDS Review  e-ISSN:1732-2707 ISSN: 1730-1270
51  Asst. Prof. Rosa Nimmy Mathew  Perceived parenting style and emotional intelligence among late adolescents  Journal of Advance research in Science and Social Science (JARSSC) Official Publication of Indian Mental Health & Research Centre  ISSN 2582-2004
52  Asst. Prof. Rosa
Nimmy Mathew
 What Compels People to Play Games in India? A Study Comparing Gaming Motives across the Two Genders  The International Journal of Indian Psychology  ISSN 2348-5396 (Online)
ISSN: 2349-3429
53  Dr. Meena Monteiro  “Self Sufficient than be insufficient” – A study assessing the significance of productive Aging  Adelaide Journal of Social work  2349-4123
54  Ms. Jennifer Carlo  Marital satisfaction and Family Environment among working married women Adelaide Journal of Social Work   2349 - 4123
55  Dr. Rosa Nimmy Mathew
 Marital satisfaction and Family Environment among working married women  Adelaide Journal of Social Work  2349 - 4123
56  Dr. Rosa Nimmy Mathew  Self-Care behavior and Burnout Among Counselors in South India  Adelaide Journal of Social Work  978-93-91775-19-3
57 Dr. Saritha D’Souza   An Examination of Inkjet and Laser Printed Documents using Stereomicroscope : A Forensic Approach  International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology  ISSN: 2395-6011
58  Dr. Saritha D’Souza  Raman Spectroscopic Analysis of Inkjet and Laser Printed Documents to Find the Source of Printing  International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology  SSN: 2395-6011



Sl No. Name of the Faculty Title of the publication Journal name
And Number
ISSN  Link/PDF/Certificate 
59  Asst. Prof Anuradha Shetty  Strategies evolved by the Elected Women Representatives at the Rural Local Governance- A Political Model for Women Empowerment  International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science  2582-5208  Upload PDF
60 Asst. Prof.VeenaB.K.
& Asst. Prof. Anusuya Kamath 
 Impact of Excessive use of Internet among Youths of Mangalore City  International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology & Science (IRJMETS)  2582-5208
61 Asst. Prof. Anusuya Kamath & Asst.Prof. Veena B.K.   A Qualitative Study on Significance of Self- Defense Training among Teenage Girls International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology & Science (IRJMETS)   2582-5208
62 Asst. Prof. Amitesh V Shetty & Asst. Prof. Balajinarayan B   Assessment of aggression: an association with 2D:4D ratio among individuals in Mangaluru  India Research Journal of Forensic Sciences  2321–1792
63 Asst. Prof. Liyana Joseph  Effectiveness of a Life Skills Program among Adolescents in Rural Bengaluru: A single arm pre-post Interventional Study  Adelaide Journal of Social Work  2349-4123
64 Asst.Prof.Rosa NimmyMathew Internet Addiction and Loneliness among Young Adults  Adelaide Journal of Social Work  2349-4123 
65  Asst. Prof. Roshini Monica Goveas and Dr. Sandra S Lobo  Cyber feminism and Mis(s) perfection: a Narrative Research Approach  Proceedings of the 2-day International Interdisciplinary Conference on Narratives, Self-Identities: Traditions and Innovations  978-81-931101-8-8  Upload PDF no
66 Asst. Prof. Roshini Monica Goveas Consumer Behavior towards online shopping   Proceedings of the 2-day International Interdisciplinary Conference on Narratives, Self-Identities: Traditions and Innovations 978-81-931101-8-8  Upload PDF no
67  Ms. Thani Anwar  Internet Addiction and Loneliness among Young Adults  Adelaide Journal of Social Work  2349 - 4123
68  Dr. Sandra Sunitha Lobo  Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) on Physical and Mental Well-being: The Doctors’ Perspective  The International Journal of Indian Psychology 2349-3429
69  Asst. Professor Balajinarayan B  Forensic Document Examination: to Delineate the Difference Between Genuine and Fake Seal  Gap Indian Journal of Forensics and Behavioural Sciences, Volume II, Issue I  ISSN – 2582-8177
70  Asst. Professor Balajinarayan B and Asst. Professor Amithesh V. Shetty  Assessment of aggression: an association with 2D:4D ratio among individuals in Mangaluru, India  Research Journal of Forensic Sciences Vol. 9(2)  ISSN 2321–1792
71 Veena B. K.,
Anusuya Kamath,
Dr. Laveena D’Mello
 Social Work Education And Practice In A Digital World During Covid-19 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology & Science (IRJMETS)   e-ISSN No– 2582-5208
Impact Factor- 6.752
72  Veena B. K.,
Anusuya Kamath,
Dr. Laveena D’Mello
 A Qualitative study on Parents opinion on Early Intervention among Down Syndrome Children  International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology & Science (IRJMETS)  e-ISSN No– 2582-5208
Impact Factor- 6.752
73  Prajna Krishnan
Dr Meena Juliet Monteiro
 Self Sufficient than be an Insufficient! – A Study assessing the significance of Productive Aging  ADELAIDE JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WORK Volume: 9 Issue: 1 August 2022  ISSN 2349-4123



Sl No. Name of the Faculty Title of the publication Journal name
And Number
ISSN  Link/PDF/Certificate 
74  Dr. .Sandra S Lobo  Work Family Balance and Family Well-Being  CLIO An Annual Inter disciplinary Journal of History  ISSN:0976-075X  Upload PDF no
75  Dr. Sandra S Lobo  Perceived modes of parenting and home adjustment among late adolescents  Indian Journal of Psychological Science  ISSN 09769218  Upload PDF no
76  Asst.Prof. Rosa Nimmy Mathew  Internet Dependence among young adults  CLIO An Annual Inter disciplinary Journal  0976-075X  Upload PDF no
77  Dr. Meena Monteiro  A Descriptive Study on the pursured Benefits and Impact of Nicotine Gums among Persons with Smoking Habits among Youth in Mangalore Impact of nicotine Gums among persons with smoking Habits Among youth in Mangalore Taluk  CLIO An Annual Inter disciplinary Journal of History  0976-075X  Upload PDF no
78  Asst.Prof. Anuradha Shetty  Awareness and Knowledge of Developmental Schemes of National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development (NABARD) Among the Farmers  CLIO an Annual Interdisciplinary Journal of History  0976-075X  Upload PDF no
79  Dr.Sebastin KV  Skill Analysis of Selected Communities in order to Upskill or Reskill for Economic Viability  CLIO an Annual Interdisciplinary Journal of History  0976-075X  Upload PDF no
80  Asst.Prof.Rosa Nimmy  Mathew Influence of Self-esteem on Bullying Behaviour among adolescents  Adelaide Journal of Social Work  2349-4123
81  Asst.Prof. Anusuya Kamath & Asst. Prof.Veena B.K.  A Research Study of Exploitation of Human Rights of Minority Pregnant Women  Deeksha, Bi-Annual Peer Reviewed Journal of Social Work  2250 - 3919  St. Aloysius College (Autonomous) Mangaluru
82  Asst. Prof. Anuradha Shetty  A study on the awareness and implementation of solar energy in the households of Vamanjoor  Compendium of papers, International Conference on Emerging Issues and Trends in Intellectual Capital and Innovative Management Practices in Global Economy.GovindaDasa College, Surathkal  ISBN 978-96-5396-158-9  Upload PDF no
83  Asst. Prof.. Anuradha Shetty  A study on the Emotional Status of the Elderly in St. Anthony’s Poor Home, Jeppu, Mangaluru  Compendium of papers, International Conference on Emerging Issues and Trends in Intellectual Capital and Innovative Management Practices in Global Economy. Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal  ISBN 978-96-5396-158-9  Upload PDF no
84  Asst. Prof.Anuradha Shetty  An assessment on the issues and challenges of migrant unorganized workers in Udupi  Compendium of papers, International Conference on Emerging Issues and Trends in Intellectual Capital and Innovative Management Practices in Global Economy.Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal  ISBN 978-96-5396-158-9  Upload PDF no
85  Asst.Prof. Anuradha Shetty  ‘Myths and Misconceptions of Indian Adolescent Girls in adapting Menstrual Cups’  Adelaide Journal of Social Work, Volume 7 Issue: 1 August 2020  ISSN 2349-4123
86  Asst. Prof. Anuradha Shetty  ‘Strategies evolved by the Elected Women Representatives at the Rural Local Governance - A Political Model for Women Empowerment  International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, Volume 3, Issue 2, Impact Factor- 5.354  ISSN: 2582-5208  Upload PDF
87  Asst.Prof. Anuradha Shetty  An assessment on the opinion of adolescents on online shopping  Compendium of papers,International Conference on Emerging Issues and Trends in Intellectual Capital and Innovative Management Practices in Global Economy. GovindaDasa College, Surathkal  ISBN 978-96-5396-158-9  Upload PDF
88  Asst.Prof.Anuradha Shetty  An assessment on general awareness level of farmers on NABARD and developmental schemes conducted in Vithura village of Kerala  Compendium of papers,International Conference on Emerging Issues and Trends in Intellectual Capital and Innovative Management Practices in Global Economy. GovindaDasa College, Surathkal  ISBN 978-96-5396-158-9  Upload PDF
89  Asst.Prof.Anuradha Shetty  An Assessment on the Opinion of College students on Online Shopping  Conference Proceedings Srinivas University  ISBN 978-81-944670-7-6,
pp: (129-137)
 Upload PDF
90  Asst. Professor Balajinarayan B  Covid19 and Lockdown: Perception of Individuals towards Police Personnel in this Pandemic  International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts – (IJCRT)  ISSN: 2320-2882
Volume 9, Issue 5
91  Veena B K,
Laveena D’Mello
 Menstrual Health Management among Adolescent Girls and Eco-Cultural Sustainability: A Literature Review  Samaja Shodhana Journal of the Mangalore Sociology Association  ISSN No 2319-3247  

Mangalore Sociology Association

92  Veena B. K,
Anusuya Kamath
 A Study on Problems of Transgender: Human Rights Perspectives  Deeksha, Bi-Annual Peer Reviewed Journal of Social Work  ISSN No – 2250 - 3919  St. Aloysius College (Autonomous) Mangaluru.



Sl No. Name of the Faculty Title of the publication Journal name
And Number
ISSN  Link/PDF/Certificate 
93  Asst. Prof. Balaji Narayan B.  Cyber Crime Awareness among College Students in Mangalore  Journal of Forensic Sciences and Criminal Investigation  ISSN-2476-1311,
 94  Assoc. Prof. Sandra S Lobo  Gender role attitudes and organizational culture among employees in the government and private sectors  Ajanta  ISSN:2277-5730  Upload PDF
 95  Assoc. Prof. Sandra S Lobo  Psychological well-being and distress in midlife  Ajanta  ISSN 2349-4123  Upload PDF
 96  Asst. Prof. Anuradha Shetty  An Assessment of Waste Management Strategies in Uduma Village, Kasaragod District  Adelaide Journal of Social Work  ISSN 2349-4123
 97 Asst.Prof.Rosa Nimmy Mathew  Bullying-Threat to Child's Right to Education and Safety  Adelaide Journal of Social Work  ISSN 2349-4123 
 98 Asst. Prof. Sarik Ankitha  Correctional Education and Training Programme in prison  International Journal of Emerging Technology and Innovative Research  ISSN-2349-5162
99 Asst. Prof. Balaji Narayan B A Study on Meta Spoit Payloads International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics ISSN:2305-0011
Volume-8, Issue-4,
100 Swathi, Pavithra Kamath and Assoc. Prof. Sandra Sunitha Lobo Active ageing: A case study approach Laxmi & Mohan, A.K (Eds.), Active Ageing: Dynamics in the Post Modern Era ISBN 10: 81-7019-650-X Upload PDF
101 Meghana Nayak, Ramnarayana Holla K and Assoc. Prof. Sandra Sunitha Lobo Self-harm behaviour among school children Proceedings of National Conference on Promotion of School Mental Health Programme: Current scenario and future directions  ISBN: 978-93-5382-300-9  Upload PDF
102 Ramnarayana Holla K, Meghana Nayak and Assoc. Prof. Sandra Sunitha Lobo Risk-taking and Self-harm behaviours among school children Proceedings of National Conference on Promotion of School Mental Health Programme: Current scenario and future directions ISBN: 978-93-5382-300-9 Upload PDF
103 Asst. Prof. Saritha D'Souza Efficacy of Benzidine Test in the Identification of Blood Stains Found on Different Fabrics after Washing for Consecutive Days Journal of Forensic Research and Criminal Investigation JFRCI 1(1),13-18

104 Mrs. Anuradha Shetty ‘An Assessment of Waste Management Strategies in Uduma Village, Kasaragod District’ Adelaide Journal of Social Work ISSN 2349-4123
105 Asst.Prof. Saritha D’Souza Extent of Road Traffic Accidents in Mangaluru City, Karnataka, India Journal of Forensic Sciences and Criminal Investigation (JFRCI) Volume – 11, Issue 3 ISSN: 2476-1311
106 Dr. Audrey S Pinto Counselling as a Tool for Tobacco Cessation in a Dental Institution: Insights from India Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 1513-7368
107 Spoorthi G Prabhu and Dr. Rameela Shekhar Development and Standardization of a Scale to Measure Adolescent Resilience- A Study in the Indian Context Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work 2640-8066
108 Anusuya Kamath, Veena B. K. Changing Perspectives In Indian Education System Proceeding Book of National Conference on Research in Higher Education, Learning and Administration ISBN No. 978-81-941751-0-0 Upload PDF
109 Dr. Meena Monteiro Social Media- Effects on the Psychological Health of Adolescencts 2019 International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences (IJMTS), 4(1), DOI:

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