Centre for Social Action – Reflection ParkA reflection park—a site for promoting reflection, promoting dialogues, and inspiring collective action, was inaugurated by Dr. Lorna Gonsalves, a Fulbright scholar from the United States Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs on Monday, April 20, 2015 As a part of the critical service-learning project that uses a unique approach to inform, engage, and transform communities, 20 post-graduate students of Social work of the college connected with the domestic workers and learned about their insights and visions for change. Local artists namely Rathan, Vikram Shetty, Sharath, Naveen, and Pradeep from Isiri Arts have translated these visions into full colour murals on the hopes and toil of domestic workers. Visitors to the reflection park attempt to use Creative Peaceful Resistance (CPR) to resuscitate justice, restore hope, and revive the spirit of the marginalized in society.
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