Fifteen students specializing in Community Development visited Dakshina Kannada Zilla Pachayath and Mangaluru Taluk Panchayat on June 2, 2023. The Chief Executive Officer, Dr Kumara (IAS) oriented students on various affairs of any Zilla Panchayat and specific to Dakhina Kannada district. In his address to students, he mentioned that to inculcate the habit of reading among people and also to encourage them to exchange books for reading purpose, a novel initiative of ‘Pusthaka Goodu’ (nest of books) has been launched in 17 Gram Panchayat limits in seven taluks of Dakshina Kannada. Students interacted with a few specific questions.

During our visit to Mangaluru Taluk Panchayat, Mr Mahesh, The Executive Officer oriented the students on the functions and role of a Taluk Panchayat in the development and execution of developmental programmes. Students also interacted with the team of staff working on National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM).











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