A group-based photography contest titled “Capturing Creativity” was organized for the I BA students (29) of Psychology on Wednesday, 12th April 2023. Students were divided into six groups and given instructions such as having a selfie captured on the iconic stone bench of the campus, a group selfie with any fruit available on our campus, taking a candid (fake ) selfie on a flight of stairs, creatively using their calendars and ID cards etc. The creative activity entailed using their otherwise silent mobiles to good use during learning outside the four walls of the regular classroom, sending it all as a pdf with a good title.

This contest was an effort by the faculty of Psychology to encourage collective efforts, improve cognitive functioning, make learning fun and engaging and uplift one’s mood besides harnessing the potential of the students. The staff captured in the photographs expressed that the students had a strong sense of purpose and accomplishment besides being very engaged in the task at hand.



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