School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya, Mangaluru, BSW Department in association with Claudine’s Organization for Social Action, Ernakulam organized a Webinar on Role of Medical Social Worker on 06/05/2021 from 2:30 pm. The Webinar was held on the zoom meet platform. The resource person for this Webinar was Dr/Sr Leela Devasya, Director, Claudine’s Organization for Social Action, Ernakulam.

The keynote address was given by Dr Jenis Mary, Vice Principal of School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya. Presidential address was given by our Principal, Dr Juliet C J. The organising committee was headed by Prof.VineethaK, Head of BSW Department, Registrar (Evaluation), School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya. The student representatives of the organizing committee were Manoj Bhat 3rd BSW, Vishnu 2nd BSW, Josepheena 2ndBSW, Sidrah Ali Khan 2nd BSW and Sinchana Shetty 1st BSW.




The Webinar began with Prof. Vineetha K welcoming the dignitaries and the participants. Then the resource person Dr/Sr Leela gave an introduction about the topic and the important Areas of Medical Social Work. She also shared her personal experience and made it more interesting. She explained the types of health care centers and what are the things that we need to keep in mind while rendering professional service as a Social Worker in hospital and community settings.

Students also got to know the different stakeholders in this field. She also discussed many other topics like the Medical Social Work at different levels and the Roles of a Social Worker in the hospital and community settings. The roles were clearly explained and it was easy to understand and interesting for the students. The participants of the Webinar had some queries and Dr/Sr Leela answered the questions. The Webinar went on till 4:00 pm and a vote of thanks was given by Josepheena of 2nd BSW. The Webinar concluded with Prof Vineetha K thanking the resource person and the organizing committee. The participants also thanked the resource person for such a meaningful session. The programme helped the participants to understand the role of a Medical Social Worker.

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