On the eve of celebrating world social work day 2023, the college of school of social work, Autonomous, Nirmala Niketan, Mumbai organized a national students- Led conference on the theme “Psychosocial dimensions of marginalization” on 10th and 11th March 2023
The main purpose of the conference was to shed light on “psychosocial dimensions of marginalization”. The eminent speakers from various colleges shared their views and insights on the topic. The speakers spoke on marginalization and social advocacy, multidimensional approach to marginalization and its effect on senior citizens, homeless children and people with disability.
The conference also provided opportunities to the students from various colleges to present scientific papers. All together 26 papers were presented on various topics related to “Psychosocial dimensions of marginalization”. From the department of MSW 13 2nd year students presented different papers at the Conference. Towards the end of the day, cultural program was set up by the participants followed by very engaging games and jam session.The Roshnites paper presentation as well as their enthusiastic participation throughout the conference were well appreciated by the organizers.