Red Cross Society is a Humanitarian organisation. It aims to assist the world’s most vulnerable people in times of disasters, wars and conflicts. JEAN HENRY DUNANT, He Started International Committee of the Red Cross which is a private humanitarian institution founded in 1863 in Geneva, Switzerland.
Youth Red Cross Mantra: Health, Service, Friendship Clean Cache
Youth Red Cross Motto: "I Serve"
To inspire, encourage and initiate at all times, all forms of humanitarian activities so that human suffering can be minimized, alleviated and even prevented, thus contribute to creating a more congenial climate for peace.
Youth Red Cross forum was established in our college in the year 2015.
While all the activities of the YRC are expected to be planning executed and evaluated by the volunteers themselves, the Programme Officers shall guide them as friend and philosopher. As the leader the team his/her role is to help the team set the goal and set volunteers towards the goal.
1. Volunteer Orientation
Once the Core Group Volunteers are selected and the YRC Unit is formed the volunteers need to be oriented to make them understand their role and responsibilities. They should be empowered with the knowledge, attitude, skills and other competencies needed to perform as a member of the team. This may require two days and may be organized during the weekends.
2. Training on First-Aid
It is obligatory to all the core group volunteers to undergo the prescribed training in First Aid. The Youth Red Cross Unit may organize this-training course for the interested students of the college. The certificate issued by the IRCS which is an approved training and certifying agency shall be valid for obtaining motor vehicle driving license etc.,
3. Training on Disaster Preparedness and Management
It is desirable to organize this program for core group volunteers and other Members of YRC on the core issues of calamities such as forecasting, vulnerability, retrofitting, communication, logistics, rescue, relief, rehabilitation, emergency health care etc
4. The Training on Minimum Competencies
Learning takes place both in academic and co-curricular situations. A set of skills and competencies have been universally identified as minimum requirement to perform job demands or the civic responsibilities and in running the ordinary business of life. It is essential, that every student should try to acquire these competencies.
5. Motivation of Blood Donors
A minimum of two blood donation camp in a year should be organized by motivating donors from the members of YRC, NCC, NSS, Rovers & Rangers, Sports, Red Ribbon Clubs etc., At least 33% of core group members should donate blood during the 2 years period of their volunteership.
Observation of the following days by way of organized meetings and displays are the minimum mandatory activities of the Youth Red Cross.
National Youth Day (January 12)
World Health Day (April 07)
World Red Cross Day (May 08)
World Environment Day (June 05)
Geneva Convention Day (August 12)
Voluntary Blood Donor's Day (October 01)
Death anniversary of Jean Henry Dunant (October 30)
World Aids Day (December 01)
International Volunteers Day (December 05)
The Youth Red Cross unit was established in School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya in the year June 2013 with Dr. Keshav Gowda being the first YRC Program Officer. He was the Program officer from June 2013 to June 2016.
Youth Red Cross Program Officers

Mrs. Anusuya Kamath
Youth Red Cross Programme Officer
(June 2017 - Till Date)