A half a day workshop on Community development field work was organised for second year community development students by Mr Kishore Attavar, Research Consultant, Social Science Research and Evaluation Studies on July 10, 2024 at Community Development Classroom. The workshop was organized by the Forum of Sustainable Development (PG Dept of Social Work) with the guidance of Ms Anuradha, Assistant Professor and Faculty Co-coordinator. Sr Preethi introduced the guest facilitator and welcomed the fellow learners. Nine learners were part of this workshop.

He affirmed that social work is combination of 3 aspects, Sociology, Psychology, Research and also explained that how they are inter-related and plays crucial role in community work.

An activity to express the feelings or the personality of other was conducted as how important it is to understand the ‘self’ and also to understand others personality, strength with mindful observation. Mr Kishore Attavar shared his work experience in the different areas as a community worker to understand the social work trainee about the scope of community work. He mentioned the three opportunity for the social work trainee to explore themselves in the field work practice. The session was concluded with the vote of thanks by Ms. Anushka K. J



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