The final-year students of MSc department of Roshni Nilaya organised an orientation programme for the new junior students on the 23rd of August 2023, as an introduction to the course and their seniors through a series of light-hearted icebreakers and bonding activities. It was attended by all the students and teaching staff of the department and enjoyed by everyone immensely.

The programme began with a warm welcome speech by the event MCs, Sr. Florine and Bhavya after which several different types of icebreaker games were conducted to become acquainted with the juniors.

Fr. Rohan and team performed a few songs to bring forth a warm and mellow atmosphere. Following this, a series of games were conducted for the students to create an environment of fun and bonding between everyone.

The programme was officially concluded by Bhavya who gave a vote of thanks after which the HOD, Dr. Rosa Nimmy Mathew wished the best to the beginners in their academic journey as a family. S class leaders; Afreen, Delilah and Precella spoke a few words of welcome, an offer of friendship, support and about looking towards the future with hope and optimism.





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