On March 4, 2025, the MSW Department and the Internal Academic Quality Cell (IAQC) of the School of Social Work Roshni Nilaya (Autonomous), Mangalore, organized a workshop on Data Processing and Management. The workshop was held at the Seminar Hall from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM and saw active participation from 65 students. It was organized and coordinated by Dr. Umme Hani, Assistant Professor, PG Department of Social Work, School of Social Work Roshni Nilaya, Mangalore.

Resource Persons

  1. Dr. Niyaz Panakaje – Associate Professor & Coordinator, Research Centre for Finance and Entrepreneurship Development, Yenepoya (Deemed to be University), Mangalore.
  2. Dr. S. M. Riha Parvin Yenepoya – Assistant Professor, Research Centre for Finance and Entrepreneurship Development, Yenepoya (Deemed to be University), Mangalore.

Workshop Objectives and Key Topics

The workshop aimed to equip participants with essential skills in data processing and management. The following topics were covered:

  1. Significance of High-Quality Research; Understanding the importance of rigorous research in academia and professional practice.
  2. Introduction to Data Analysis; Overview of data analysis and its relevance in research.
  3. Parametric and Non-Parametric Tests; Differentiating between parametric and non-parametric tests.Understanding when and how to apply these tests.
  4. Descriptive and Inferential Statistics; Understanding univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analysis. Differentiating between descriptive and inferential statistics.
  5. Basics of SPSS; Entering data into SPSS (nominal, ordinal, Likert scale, interval, ratio). Analyzing data using various commands in SPSS.
  6. Application of Parametric and Non-Parametric Tests
  7. Parametric Tests (for normally distributed data):
      • Independent Sample t-Test
      • One-Way ANOVA
      • Karl Pearson’s Correlation
      • Regression Analysis
    • Non-Parametric Tests (for skewed data):
      • Mann-Whitney U Test
      • Kruskal-Wallis Test
      • Spearman’s Correlation
      • Wilcoxon Test


The workshop provided participants with a thorough understanding of data processing and management using SPSS. The hands-on training enhanced their research capabilities, equipping them with practical skills to analyze and interpret data effectively.






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