·         In collaboration with The Catholic Association of South Kanara (Cask) and Inner wheel Club of Mangalore North a lecture was organised on the 8th of March 2015 to celebrate International Women’s Day. The Speaker for the session was Dr. Malini Hebbar and the topic was ‘Faces of Women today’. The session was followed by a group discussion on the theme ‘Position and Role of Women today’.
·         Guest Lecture: A Guest lecture was conducted by Mrs. Niveditha Lobo for the Final Year B.A. students on the 6th of March 2015 on the topic ‘Components of a Lesson Plan’.
·         Student Skill Development Programme 3: Paper Presentations on Indian Writers in English on the 24th of February 2015.
·         Student Skill Development Programme 4: Vocabulary Building and Language Enhancement- Worksheet and Creative writing- Participants: Students of II B.S.W on 15th of December 2014.
·         Seventy five  students participated in Yogasana for better mental and physical wellbeing to commemorate International Day of Yoga on 22nd June 2015-  An Inter-departmental  programme (Dept. of English and Physical Education).
·         Intercollegiate Mangalore University Yoga Competition was organised in collaboration with Physical Education Department on  August 24, 2015. Twenty Colleges participated in it.
·         Fifteen  students and a faculty  participated in a Monsoon Trek to Agumbe in collaboration with Youth Hostels of India on 19th July 2015. Fifteen students and a faculty participated in the trek.
·         Mala Parkala Trek in collaboration with Youth Hostels of India  was held on November 29, 2015. Fifteen students and a faculty participated in the trek..
·         Organized the Independence Day Celebration in College on August 15, 2015.
·         Thirty students participated in aone day workshop organised by the Department of Social Work With ‘Odanadi’ an NGO working for women empowerment on December 4, 2015.
·         30 students participated in the programme on Cyber Crime organised by the Department of Criminology on  December 9, 2015.
·         Students attended a group discussion on Juvenile Justice system in India - the good and bad of it, organized by AIR on November 20, 2015.  


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