A captivating event unfolded as Women's Day was observed with a program titled "O Womaniya: Reminiscing the Indomitable Spirit of Indian Women" organized by the Department of Psychology. Women’s day was observed on Friday, 24th November 2023 in the college auditorium. The evening commenced with a powerful reflection on transformation, drawing inspiration from Nikita Gill's poignant words on a woman's journey from water to fire recited by the emcee Inika Shetty (I BA).

The atmosphere was charged with energy as the gathering observed a prayer song, sung by Sharanya and Shravya (III BA) setting the tone for diverse presentations that followed. "O Womaniya," a term resonating from Bihar, Jharkhand, and Eastern Uttar Pradesh, took center stage as the event delved into its significance. Launched in 2019, the "Womaniya" initiative aimed to empower women entrepreneurs, emphasizing direct engagement on the Government eMarketplace.

The cultural element of the program unfolded with the familiar notes of the song 'O Womaniya' from the movie 'Gangs of Wasseypur.' The Department of Psychology then presented a compelling narrative titled 'O Womaniya’ through a visually engaging presentation, The audience was introduced to remarkable women who excelled in various fields.

The first rhetoric voice over transported the audience to the '50s and '60s, challenging the prevailing norms for women in India. The speaker, the first woman to join the Indian Police Service in 1972, shared a journey marked by toughness, resilience, and impactful reforms in prisons.

The second unfolded from the realm of entrepreneurship. A woman with a background in Electrical Engineering and an MBA from IIM, Ahmedabad, recounted her entrepreneurial journey. Despite initial setbacks, she emerged as the CEO and co-founder of Sugar Cosmetics, emphasizing the importance of resilience and agility.

The third Indian woman highlighted the world of sports sharing her journey of being the first Indian female gymnast to compete in the Olympics. The emphasis was on inspiring future generations and breaking barriers, not just in personal achievements but in laying a foundation for a more inclusive future.

The fourth tale unfolded in the realm of science, with a proud Indian scientist contributing to ISRO's endeavours. The speaker, a satellite specialist, emphasized teamwork and the development of advanced imaging equipment.

The program continued with a trail set by a philanthropist and author who began her academic career as the first female student in her batch in computer science and engineering. She narrated how she sent a postcard to the company's Chairman complaining of the "men only" gender bias and was eventually hired as the first female engineer at India's largest auto manufacturer TATA Engineering and Locomotive Company (TELCO).

The trail of five Indian women who forayed into Indian Police Service, Entrepreneurship, sport, science and philanthropy were depicted via a voice over and a power-point presentation. The programme was not just to honour the iconic women who have changed history, but to encourage new generations to dream big and know that anything is possible.

The event concluded with a quiz, encouraging active participation and engagement. There was a total of 8 entries from staff and 18 entries from students in a time limit e quiz.

The event was attended by Assoc. Prof. Cecilia F. Goveas, Asst. Prof. Sarik Ankita, Kiran Prasad B, besides other faculty and administrative staff. The hall had an audience of over 200 students. The programme ended at 4:00 pm.

Results of the e-quiz related to Indian women.

FIRST PLACE: Asst. Prof. Anusuya Kamath
SECOND PLACE: Asst. Prof. Veena BK.

FIRST PLACE: Anushree Sathyabhama
THIRD PLACE: Akshaya T. Martin

Reported by: Khateeja Khansa Aslam & Manasvi (I BA)














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