The Department of Psychology organized a guest lecture on the topic “Autism Spectrum Disorder” on Thursday, 8th February 2024. Miss Lavina Cardoza, teacher trainee at St. Agnes Teacher Training Institute for Special Children, Bendure, Mangaluru addressed the II BA students from 9:55 am to 10:40 am in Room 6.

Miss Lavina briefed the students on the neurological and developmental disorder that affects how people interact with others, communicate, learn, and behave. The meaning, signs, symptoms, prevalence and types of Autism Spectrum Disorder were outlined through a power point presentation. The genetic, immunological, pre and postnatal causes were discussed. Miss Lavina elaborated on the educational and familial treatment besides sensory integration, applied behavioural analysis, speech therapy, occupational therapy, community support and parental training.

The 30 II BA students along with Dr. Sandra Sunitha Lobo took home a strong message that autism doesn’t come with a manual. It comes with a family (Society) that never gives up on them. Besides, early identification of ASD through screening and evaluation as well as appropriate support can help these children reach their incredible potentials.

Reported by Ananya R.




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