The BSW Department of School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya, Mangaluru organized a Seminar on "Spread Hope not Hatred - Prevention of HIV /AIDS” along with the interaction with HRG Community in association with Hind Khust Nivaran Sangh, Mangaluru on 9th December 2021. The Seminar was held from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. The resource person was Mr.Harisha A, Project Manager, HKNS, Bendoorwell. The Seminar began by welcoming the dignitaries and introduction of the Resource Person to the participants of the Seminar.

The Resource person enlightened the students about the causes, the effects and the prevention of HIV /AIDS through presentation and life experiences witnesses. Students had many doubts to clear about this matter so there was an open room for the students to ask or clear their doubts. Students were asked about how the diseases transmitted, what are the precautions to be taken to prevent this disease, what numbers of people are affected in the world and especially in India and particularly in Karnataka.

All the doubts were cleared by the resource person with examples and students could open their minds and hearts for the people suffering with this disease. Apart from this, the resource person also spoke about the effects of the disease on the person and the society’s mentality or their approach towards the HIV/ AIDS affected persons.



The Resource person was able to convince the students that HIV/ AIDS affected person is not an outcaste but just has a sickness which weakens him or her, hence we should not hate them or exclude them instead give them the ray of hope that they can live a normal life in the society with the family and with responsibility towards oneself and people around.

The seminar was interactive and effective.

Assoc. Prof. Vineetha K welcomed the gathering with an introductory note. 1st BSW students invoked God’s blessings. Ms. Chandini from 2nd BSW was the Master of Ceremony and proposed the Vote of Thanks.

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