The School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya, in collaboration with Campus Crusade, organized an enchanting magic show titled "Illusion and Reality," featuring two renowned illusionists from the United States. The event, held on January 7th, 2025, captivated an audience of 200 students and faculty with mesmerizing performances that blended humor, intellect, and sleight of hand. Two renowned illusionists, Michael Bruce and Dr. Robert J. Zoerman (Magic Bob), mesmerized the audience with their unique performances blending humor, intellect, and sleight of hand.

Michael Bruce, an American illusionist, entertained with interactive tricks that combined humor and music, challenging perceptions and leaving the audience in awe. Dr. Zoerman, known as Magic Bob, performed intellectually stimulating tricks rooted in engineering, inspiring critical thinking and problem-solving.

The show highlighted the 7 Keys to Success:

  • Search for Your Calling:The illusionists shared stories of discovering their passion for magic, inspiring students to pursue their purpose.
  • Understand Trials:They showcased perseverance by overcoming obstacles through their tricks.
  • Conquer New Skills:The performers demonstrated the importance of continuous learning.
  • Cultivate Teamwork:Audience participation emphasized collaboration.
  • Show Originality:Their unique styles showcased the value of creativity.
  • Engage Challenges:The performers encouraged facing challenges with the right mindset.
  • Sharpen Thinking:Intellectual tricks underscored critical thinking and problem-solving.

Tokens of welcome were presented to the illusionists by Associate Professor Farida Cecilia Goveas and Assistant Professor Sarik Ankitha by presenting the symbolic lamp, aligning with the college's name, Roshni, meaning "light."

A member of the Campus Crusade delivered a vote of thanks, appreciating the illusionists, organizers, and audience. In conclusion, the event was a resounding success, leaving students and faculty inspired. The magic show reinforced the college's mission of enlightening minds and fostering curiosity and wonder.200 Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students participated in the session.

 The event provided students with valuable insights into essential life skills such as perseverance, creativity, teamwork, and problem-solving. Through engaging performances, the illusionists demonstrated the importance of discovering one’s passion, embracing challenges, and continuously learning new skills. The magic show reinforced the idea that success comes from a combination of dedication, innovation, and critical thinking, leaving students motivated to apply these lessons in their personal and academic lives.











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