Extension Service on Cleanliness was organised on September 20,2024 by the SAHAYOG Forum of BSW department, School of Social Work Roshni Nilaya Mangalore organized extension service on awareness to avoid the infection, for 78 children of 4th to 7th children of St.Rita's Higher Primary Kannada Medium School Cascia, Mangalore at 12.00pm to1.00pm.The resource persons was Fr. Josvin D'Souza, teaching and training for the students of St. Joseph's Seminary, Jeppu. The event was organized by Mr. Joel ll BSW, Mr. Niyaz ll BSW, Ms. Divya ll BSW and Ms. Sarena l BSW under the guidance of field supervisor Mrs Deepika Sanil of Assistance Professor of BSW department, School of Social Work Roshni Nilaya.