The NSS unit of the College had its inaugural of activities for the academic year 2018-19 on July 26, 2018.


The programme was inaugurated by Mrs Neena Shetty, President, Innerwheel Club of Mangalore North by planting a sapling. She asked the NSS volunteers to give themselves and their time completely in service for the betterment of the world around.


Dr Rameela Shekhar, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Professional, Manashanthi, Mangalore delivered the Key note address on Leadership. She said that everyone is a leader in his or her own way and one has to avail all opportunities that come their way.

The programme was presided by the Principal, Ms Juliet C.J.

Prof. Vineetha K. , Mangalore University NSS Programme Coordinator, was the Guest of honour who administered the oath.


Prof. Cecilia F. Goveas the Programme officer welcomed the gathering. 


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