School of Social work Roshni Nilaya, IQAC in collaboration with Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Intellectual property Management (RGNIIPM) Government of India, Nagpur presented an online workshop on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) & Patents & Design Filing on 21 June 2024. The objective of this virtual workshop was to create awareness among students, and faculty on IPR to further strengthen the IPR regime of our country which will boost the “Creative India, Innovative India” objective of the National IPR policy.

Dr Bharat N Suryawanshi, Asst. Controller of Patents & Designs, RGNIIPM, Nagpur, was the resource person. The Co-ordinator for the IPR programme Dr. Meena Monteiro, Dean Social Work welcomed the gathering and introduced the resource person. Dr Bharat began his session with the meaning of IPR its background. Dr Bharath further continued saying Patent is an exclusive monopoly a privilege/ right granted by the government. Invention & discovery, these two terms were explained with suitable example and how these inventions claimed to have patents. Trade secret can be an invention, idea survey method. Some inventions like data, information cannot be protected by any of the available means of IPR such as information is held confidential as a trade secret. A few aspects on different IPs in a single product like Led display- Paten, Body of laptop- Design, Apple sign- trade mark, user Manual – copyright layout of IC – SICL design were the topics of Dr. Bharat’s discussion

Sir also highlighted the career opportunities as being examiner of patents & designs, examiner of trademark & GI and examiner of copyrights that are available under the government department. Dr Bharat also motivated the young aspirants to become inventors and scientist. Being a researcher or while handling projects, can start with identify the problem solve the problem and apply can for patent.

What can be patented, who could file patent application in India & the process of filing patent application was explained in detail. The workshop concluded with a few queries from the participants. Asst. Prof. Anusuya Kamath, Faculty, department of BSW delivered the vote of thanks appreciating the speaker, the principal, management, IPR co-ordiantor, faculty and all the participants for attending this workshop. The workshop had 250 registration altogether.






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