The students of 2nd year M. Sc counseling, School of Social Work Roshni Nilaya, organized a group process session on the topic “anger management” for children from Inchara foundation home of children, Mangalore. The session was organized on 26th November 2021, for duration of an hour from 5:30pm to 6:30pm. The aim of the session was to help the children to cope with anger effectively. A total of 18 children were present for the session. The children were divided to form 2 groups and was facilitated by 6 students of M.Sc Counselling . The objective of the session was to help the children to understand what is anger management, how to balance their anger and the techniques of anger management. It was done through exercises, which focused on teaching the children importance of how to have control over anger and how to use anger management techniques to calm themselves. Importance was also given to make students understand different types of difficult situations and how they could use the anger management resources to deal with that situation effectively. Group members actively participated in the exercises. They were able to find out the different situations and they were able to enact how they would manage difficult situation in their day to day life. With the cooperation among group leaders and active participation of the group members, the group process was successful.





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