Date: 22nd February 2025
Day: Saturday
Time: 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Venue: Vidya Jyothi English Medium High School, Vamanjoor, Mangalore

A health and hygiene awareness session was conducted for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd standard students of Vidya Jyothi English Medium High School, Vamanjoor, by first-year MSW students from the School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya. The session aimed to educate young students on the importance of personal hygiene and healthy habits.

The program commenced at 10:00 AM with a welcome address by Sr. Veronika, Headmistress of the school, followed by an introductory speech by Mr. Deekshith, a first-year MSW student. Mr. Reemo Nihans, also a first-year MSW student, led the session, covering key aspects of health and hygiene. He emphasized the importance of regular handwashing and demonstrated the correct technique for washing hands. To make the session interactive and engaging, he also conducted activities that helped reinforce the concepts taught.

The session concluded at 11:00 AM with a vote of thanks delivered by Mr. Jishnu K, expressing gratitude to the school authorities and students for their participation.

This initiative successfully created awareness among young students about the significance of maintaining good hygiene practices in daily life.





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