When Work and Leisure come Together - Faculty Development programme

On 22nd February 2020 the Teaching and Non- teaching faculty of School of Social work, Roshni Nilaya ventured into a new way of creating team bonding and fellowship among one another. The members of the Institute visited the famous “Hastashilpa Heritage Village” reconstructed by the passion of Mr. Vijayanath Shenoy, which houses 32 ancient buildings that were beautifully restored homes and historical places.



The enthusiastic Tour Guide Mr. Ramesh Mallia through his narration brought history, architecture and daily life together. The faculty also visited the famous “Tree Park” at Manipal which is named after the historical legend of Eco culture ‘ Sallumarada Thimmakka’ .

Mr. Clifford Lobo, Range Forest Officer ,Udupi and the Escort Mr. Ganapathi, a Staff member of the forest department graciously helped to support the faculty development programme. A few moments of enjoyment at Malpe beach was rejuvenating. The moments spent were moments of learning, relaxation and togetherness.

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