The Provincial of the Daughters of the Heart of Mary (India, Province South) Dr. Juliet CJ visited the College on Saturday, 14th September 2024. She was accompanied by Ms. Vida Sequeira, President of the Institute of Social Service and interacted with the non-teaching staff from 10:30 am to 11 am in the auditorium.

Ms. Reena led the group in supplication. Mrs. Vijaya Pinto, the office superintendent, greeted everyone. Thereafter, each of the following spoke on matters concerning their departments. Ms. Udayashri K, Reshma and Ms Shantha D’Souza spoke on student enrolment for all the UG and PG programmes and diploma/PG diploma courses. Ms. Shanthi Rebello gave inputs regarding the work done thus far at the Registrar’s office and Ms Ancilla D’Cunha did the same related to college library. The recently hired employees, Ms. Ancil D'Souza, Ms. Savitha Shetty, and Ms. Reema, gave brief introductions.

Dr. Juliet CJ appreciated the services and commitment of the staff towards their job roles and cooperation extended towards the institution’s well-being. She appreciated the workmanship of all ministerial staff as the beauty of the campus is enhanced with its pristine look. She praised everyone's efforts and insisted on continuing the deliberate efforts to raise student enrolment.

Ms Jenitha Fernandes delivered a vote of thanks. The interaction ended at 11 am.

The teaching fraternity met the Provincial at 11:10 am in the college auditorium. After a prayer song was sung, Dr. Meena Monteiro, Dean (PG studies) welcomed all and spoke about the MSW Department in the recruiting of new full-time faculty, details of Conferences organized separately by all specializations of the MSW programme, placements and an upcoming Conference on 28th September 2024. She provided a capsule on the One-week orientation for students at the start of this academic year.
Dr. Saritha D’Souza, Head, Department of M.Sc Criminology and Forensic Science announced that CRIFO 2K24 turned international with the organizing of various competitions. She detailed that out of 5 MoUs, 4 were functional this year itself by jointly organizing the National Conference on Drug Forensics with Srinivas University, a Workshop for doctors of Yenepoya University on “Police Procedure: An art of Crime Scene Analysis”, Career Development Workshop on Spashtatha with SRL Trinity Pvt. Ltd and a session delivered at Sahodaya Bethany Seva Kendra. She proudly spoke about the student accolades at an International Conference (best paper presentation and best poster presentation) besides, outreach programmes conducted. Dr Saritha mentioned that eight students have been placed so far and highlighted a few guest lectures on the anvil in association with FAARM.








Dr. Rosa Nimmy Mathew, Head, Department of Counselling (PG) introduced the new faculty in the department. She detailed the introduction of the certificate course on parenting with 90 participants, full admission for the academic year 2024-2025 and 14 extension programmes. Dr Rosa spoke about the success of the National Workshop in collaboration with the Department of short-term courses and was delighted to put forth that 24 out of 28 students were successfully placed besides others being free-lance counsellors. Dr Rosa mentioned that the annual event Scintilla was transformed into a National Conference with 120 delegates participating from 28 Educational Institutions. Besides, consultancy services being offered, she mentioned that there was one SCOPUS-indexed publication from the department.

Dr. Sandra Sunitha Lobo introduced new faculty from the BA section and spoke on the Triple Major System being reintroduced from the academic year 2024-2025, the ratification by the Academic Council of two new combinations at the BA level and a slight increase in admissions. She mentioned the GRID training programme for the newly admitted students, the add-on English-speaking course, paper presentations by students at National Conferences, teachers’ participation at Guruvandana Inter School/College Competitions organized by Rotary Mangalore Seaside on 1st September 2024, ongoing AQAR submissions as well as UG students gearing towards organizing EXPRESSIONS 2024.

Further, Asst. Prof. Sarik Ankitha, Head, Department of Criminology mentioned that the Mangalore City police were trained in street play on the theme of drug awareness. Dr. Kiran Prasad B. Head, Department of Sociology happily announced an upcoming National Conference by the Mangalore Sociology Association to be held on the college campus that would foster research culture among students on the theme of “Inclusive Urbanization in India- Unpacking Marginalities” on 22nd and 23rd October 2024.

Asst. Prof. Veena BK, Head, Department of Social Work (UG) introduced new faculty and mentioned that the academic year began with the extension programme (street play) on Swatchatha Pakwada at various places. She provided details on add-on courses, orientation programme for all BSW students, competitions organized besides exposure visits to many places. Information was provided about students' accomplishments in a number of competitions, such as best poster at a conference and students giving papers and faculty serving as moderators at a national conference in Chennai. September 2024 will see the hosting of a cultural festival, according to Asst. Prof. Veena B.K.

Asst. Prof. Deepika mentioned the implementation of the B.Com programme with 13 students this year. She introduced the new full-time faculty and mentioned that there were two other guest faculty for the newly introduced B.Com programme. She spoke about the student orientation session which focussed on international career prospects. She mentioned about competitions that were to be organized on the same day focussing on students’ creativity and talent.

Asst. Prof. Anusuya mentioned that the college was granted permission to partner with Neermarga Panchayat as a part of Village Adoption intiative. She said that 4 sustainable goals would be the major focus viz health and wellness, cleanliness and hygiene, education and environment protection. All Heads of Departments have jointly discussed on the timeline to implement the programme in consultation with Mr Kishore Attavar.

There was a discussion about having a convocation programme for students across all programmes, need to give graduates a provisional certificate and have it as an annual feature. Also, Mr Niketh put forth the idea of having a playground on the campus.

Dr. Juliet CJ congratulated the staff for their hard work and focus on learning outside classrooms through organizing and participating in Conferences, publications, paper presentations by students and varied extension programmes. She offered congratulatory wishes for accolades won by students, publications by faculty and functional MoUs, besides the successful running of a new programme at the UG level- B.Com.

The short programme was compered by Dr. Meena Monteiro from the MSW department. Assoc. Prof. Cecilia Farida Goveas thanked the Provincial for her first-ever visit to the college upon assuming the new role. She was thanked for her unwavering support to the staff and was wished well on her new Mission. The interaction ended at 12:10 pm.

-Reported by Dr. Sandra Sunitha Lobo, Professor & Dean (UG Studies)

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