Report By: Ms. Jyothsna, Media Coordinator

As a part of Post Graduate Common Forum Activity, Forensis Forum of MSc Criminology and Forensic Science had organised a session on the occasion of World Suicide Prevention Day held on the theme ‘Illuminate Hope- An awareness on Suicide Prevention’ on 27th September 2023 at 3.30pm in the Seminar Hall of the college. The main aim of this session was to increase awareness about the prevalence of suicide and its impact on individuals, families, and communities, to decrease the stigma associated with mental health issues and seeking help for suicidal thoughts or behaviours.

The activity was conducted by the second year students of the Post Graduate Department of Criminology and Forensic Science which included a skit on the theme, along with the video and an activity. The program began with a prayer invoking God's blessings followed by a formal welcome by Ms. Nashwa Iqbal, student of second year MSc CFS cum General Secretory, Forensis Forum of the department.

Further, a skit was presented by the students on how society can influence a person to commit suicide, behavioural changes shown by the person who has suicidal thoughts, and also the measures to prevent suicide. Further, a video was played relevant to the topic followed by the activity. The students were divided into 06 groups and the activity consisted of two rounds which included a word search related to suicide and a quiz on the emergency helpline numbers. The group that completed both the rounds of the activity first were declared as the winners. The purpose of the activity was to create awareness on suicide and suicide prevention, enhance problem solving skills, provide necessary information about the emergency helpline numbers in case of emergency and also to develop quick thinking in crisis.

This event is organised under the guidance of Dr. Saritha D’Souza, Head, Post Graduate Department of Criminology & Forensic Science and Ms. Athira V.J. Assistant Professor cum Faculty Coordinator of Forenisis Forum. Prof. Evelyn Benis, Head, Post Graduate Department of Social Work appreciated the efforts taken by the students of MSc Criminology and Forensic Science to conduct this informative and skill enhanced session. Participants appreciated and gave positive feedback about the event. A total of 170 students and 7 faculties had taken part in the activity. The event concluded at 4.35pm with a vote of thanks delivered by Mr. Vishnu Prasad. Ms. Shresta Mendon compered the whole event successfully.













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