Three students of the Post Graduate Department of Criminology and Forensic Science from Forensic Psychology and Criminal Justice presented their research papers in Two-Days International Student Social Workers' Symposium, ‘Spandana 2023 under the theme “Validation of Family Centred Social Work Method: Contemporary Challenges” organised by the Post Graduate Department of Social Work, School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya, Mangaluru, held on 5th and 6th October 2023. Ms. Aishwarya Sathya, presented a paper entitled “Parents Perception on Effects of Cartoons on Children’s Behaviour in Mangaluru City”, Ms. Nelisha Coutinho, presented on “The Facets of Sexual Harassment on Women: The Male Perspective” and Ms. Saumini Seelan, presented a paper on the topic “Effect of Advanced Technology on Children: Parents Perception”. All three papers presented was well appreciated by the delegates and the chairperson and were also awarded with the certificates.



Certificate Paper presentation spandana 2023-24


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