“ Its never too late to set a goal"

A extension programme on the topic “It’s Never too late to set a goal” was organised by Department of MSc counselling, School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya, Mangaluru, in association with Athena Institute of Health Science and facilitated by 11 II M.Sc Counselling students on 8th October ,2022. The 55 students of 1st year allied health science from Athena collage of allied health science Mangaluru actively participated in the session.

The objectives of the session was to help member to set a smart goal and build motivation towards achieving the goal.The facilitators explained what is Smart Goal stand for and how to set a smart goal through exercises and asked them to set Smart goal. By establishing Smart goals allowed them to clarify their ideas, focus efforts, use time and resources wisely and to increase chances of achieving future career and life goals.

The facilitators explained what are the factors affecting motivation and how to improve motivation with exercises.The group members were able to relate to the content presented and shared their experience. The outcome of this session was that they became aware about how to set a Smart goal in their life and how to motivate themselves to deal with the barriers in reaching their goals

Reported by : Awwamma Jusaira, II M.Sc Counselling






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