A group session on personal hygiene was organised by the Department of Msc. Counselling, School of Social Work Roshni Nilaya, Mangalore. It was conducted for the children of Roshni Nilaya Kindergarten, Mangalore.
The session was facilitated by 28 second year Msc.Counselling students on 12th October, 2023 from 2:30 to 3:30 pm. The participants were the UKG batch, and were 73 children in total.
The objective of the session was to educate the children on importance and ways to maintain personal hygiene, also focusing on keeping the surroundings and environment clean, in very simple ways.
Since the session was conducted for little children, it began with a fun ice breaker activity of passing the ball, and making a train out of coloured paper. As a continuation, the children were also taught about how unused paper could be picked up, and appropriately disposed, so that we can keep our environment clean. The next part of the session was followed by activities to teach body hygiene, where the children had to identify materials required to transform a untidy person to a tidy person, and why it’s important to use these materials. Next, oral hygiene was addressed, where children were taught the right way to brush teeth and how it is important. As a concluding part of the session, children were taught an action song on how to keep hands clean, followed by when to wash hands, and why it is important. Feedback through the use of paints and art material was taken.
Overall, it was a creative and fun session. Children were engaged in activities as well as could gain basic knowledge on how to keep oneself and surroundings around us clean, and how it is helpful in long run. The students also had a great learning opportunity, to improve their academic applicability skills, interacting with a newer group in terms of age and also working in teams.
Reported by: Arpitha HB