On 21st February 2024, Arpitha HB and Delilah Valerie Goveas, 2 students of 2nd MSc, Counselling Department, School of social work Roshni Nilaya, facilitated a session on “Mental Health Self Care and Counselling” to final year students of Bachelor of Arts (BA) at the School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya. A total of 32 students participated in the session.
The session began with a small activity wherein members had to write kind things to their peers while going around in circles. Then the members were asked to write kind things to themselves. This activity was connected to how as social work students and future professionals in the helping field, one often forgets about themselves and hence self-care is a very important aspect one must follow. The facilitators then spoke on self care and the self-care methods that could be used, activities regarding self-care were played and then the students were educated on self-care journals and their importance and handouts of the same were also given. The facilitators then spoke of how important self-care is in the counselling profession. The importance of counselling in today’s world was spoken of as well as the scope of counselling was educated to the students by the facilitators. The session concluded with a call to engage in self-care followed by a short question-answer session where students actively interacted and asked their queries with regards to counselling. The facilitators then conducted a short feedback session and the session was concluded by Ms. Anumita expressing her gratitude for the fruitful session conducted by the facilitators.
Reported by: Delilah Valerie Goveas