An extension activity was organized by the Department of MSc Counselling at the School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya, Mangalore, for participants of Link De-addiction centre . The session, held on 24th January 2025, from 11:00AM to 4:00pm, was conducted by the MSc Counselling students. It was designed for the inmates in Link Rehabilitation Centre.

The objective of the session was to educate the participants about Relapse prevention and assess their perceived stress. The module focused on finding the members strengths and resources. The facilitators helped the members to learn different emotional focused coping and problem focused coping strategies. The module incorporated techniques from SIT.

The session began with an icebreaker activity to promote group cohesion and create an engaging atmosphere. This was followed by an assessment to determine participants’ perceived stress levels. Activities were conducted to help participants identify common triggers for drinking, and facilitators provided insights into relapse prevention and its significance.

Facilitators guided them in identifying their internal strengths and resources and introduced emotion-focused coping techniques such as emotional record and cognitive rehearsal. Problem-focused strategies, including setting SMART goals, practicing assertiveness, and creating to-do lists, were also taught.

The session concluded with a summary of the key learnings and techniques practiced. Facilitators encouraged participants to apply these strategies beyond the session and acknowledged their active participation. Feedback was collected from the participants to evaluate the session’s effectiveness

Reported by Shaniba Kurickal.





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