The MSc Counselling department of School of Social Work Roshni Nilaya conducted a mock panel discussion on the theme of remarriage on the 23rd of January. The session brought together participants who assumed various roles, including professionals like a counsellor, sociologist, and psychologist, as well as individuals directly experiencing remarriage in different ways. In addition to this there were also individuals who took up the role of people with various perspectives like someone who remarried and liked or disliked it, individuals yet to remarry, a career-focused divorced person opposed to remarriage, and an individual holding orthodox and traditional beliefs. The discussion was moderated within the theme and time limit , and the event was organized with great care to ensure a smooth flow.
The panel explored topics such as societal norms, the emotional challenges of remarriage, and its impact on family dynamics. The press as well as the mock press actively engaged during the question-and-answer session, posing thought-provoking questions that enriched the discussion. By highlighting diverse viewpoints, the event provided an in-depth understanding of the complexities surrounding remarriage, encouraging empathy and open-mindedness. Overall, the session was a meaningful exercise in examining a significant social issue from multiple perspectives.
Reported by Joan Bobby Mammen