In celebration of World Social Work Day, the Post Graduate Department of Social Work at the School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya, in collaboration with IAQC, organized a Guest Lecture on the topic ‘Professional Ethics in Social Work Education and Practice.’ The lecture was delivered by Dr. Rita Noronha, Director of the Centre for Developmental Studies and Education, Mangalore, and recipient of the Suvarna Mahotsava Prashathi 2024.

The event took place on March 17, 2025, at 10:00 AM in the Maria Paiva Hall and was attended by MSW and BSW students, along with their faculty.

The program began with a prayer song, performed by the I MSW students. Dr. Meena Monteiro, Dean of PG Studies at the School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya, escorted the dignitaries to the dais. Ms. Anuradha Shetty, Student Welfare Officer, presented a token of gratitude to the guest, while Ms. Sharon Diaz, I MSW, extended a warm welcome to the gathering. Ms. Anushka K, Student Convener of the School of Social Work, introduced Dr. Rita Noronha.

Dr. Rita Noronha engaged the students with her insights on current events affecting our country, stressing the importance for social workers to stay informed about issues impacting women, children, and other marginalized and vulnerable groups. She emphasized the significance of both personal and professional well-being, highlighting the importance of happiness in life. Dr. Noronha also discussed the Happiness Quotient, DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), and the core values of social work, illustrating how ethics are deeply intertwined with these principles.

Following her talk, Dr. Noronha invited questions from the audience, encouraging students to think critically, question accepted answers, and remain open to diverse perspectives to deepen their understanding.

The session concluded with Ms. Sindhoor B., II MSW, delivering the vote of thanks. The event ended with the National Anthem and was attended by 150 students.








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