On 30th January, AICUF was inaugurated with the inaugural session themed "Walking Together to Build an Inclusive World" at the auditorium, School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya, Mangalore. Mr. Manuel, the AICUF Coordinator, welcomed participants, while Ms. Alvisha D’Souza, a first-year BSW student, served as the Master of Ceremony.

Fr. Allwyn, Director of the Family Service Centre, Mangalore, delivered the keynote address. He recounted AICUF’s evolution from a Catholic student platform to an inclusive organization, emphasizing the vital role of youth in challenging social inequalities and promoting justice and acceptance.

An interactive session followed, allowing participants to ask questions and discuss practical strategies for breaking social barriers. The dialogue, enriched with real-life examples, motivated the attendees to actively pursue social service and advocacy.

The event concluded with a vote of thanks by Mr. Raphael, a first-year BA student, leaving the audience inspired to work together for a more inclusive and just society. The program was attended by over 160 students.








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