On August 10, 2018, eighteen II BA students of Psychology staged a 45 minutes awareness programme on mental hygiene to the first year engineering students at Bearys Institute of Technology campus.
The programme comprised of dances, songs, poems, skits, rhymes and verbalizations to understand emotions and mental well-being. Plutchik’s wheel of eight emotions were depicted through placards, rhyme, music and several enactments.
Students related the emotions of disgust and anticipation to body shaming.
Depression as a mental illness was portrayed linking it to the emotions of anger and sadness. Obsessive-compulsive disorder was introduced linking it with the emotions of fear and trust. And lastly, hallucinations were connected to the emotions of surprise and joy.
Snippets of information and positive thoughts were conveyed very creatively.
The unusual mental health programme focused on highlighting that changing one’s emotional responses from unhealthy to healthy, and irrational to rational would ensure good mental health.