Report by Ms. Vedhaashini S Gowda, Media Coordinator MSc CFS

On the occasion of National NGO Day, as a part of the Post Graduate common Forum activity, the Forensis Forum, PG Department Of Criminology & Forensic Science & Internal Quality Assurance Cell organized an awareness proframme on “RAKSHA : Insight On Child Protection”, for all the Post Graduate students of the college on 20th March 2024 at 3:30 pm in the Maria Paiva hall.

The aim of the program was to raise awareness about various Child Care Protection Acts and laws related to children. Second-year students of the Post Graduate Department of Criminology and Forensic Science, had taken initiative to conducted the event which featured a multifaceted approach including skits and a quiz activity. The program commenced with a prayer by invoking God’s Blessings followed by a formal welcome from Ms. Soumini, a second-year student of the department and the cultural secretary of the PG department.

An effective skit was performed by students, shedding light on the prevalent issues faced by children in society, such as child sexual abuse, child labor, and malnutrition. The skit also highlighted the proactive measures taken by organizations like DCPU (District Child Protection Unit) to aid children in need of care and protection. Following the skit, Ms. Nelisha Cutinha conducted a session on "Child Protection and Welfare," elucidating the concepts of various institutions and policies dedicated to child protection. She discussed the roles and responsibilities of DCPU, along with an overview of four major child protection laws in India. Additionally, she also provided insights into the work of Inchara Foundation in this domain. To reinforce the learning objectives, a quiz was organized for the PG students focusing on the theme of child protection. Through this interactive activity, participants were able to consolidate their understanding of child care laws and practices. Overall, the event served as a valuable platform for fostering awareness and dialogue surrounding child protection issues among future professionals in the field.

The event wrapped up at 4:30 pm with a vote of thanks delivered by Ms. Namitha Metilda Rozario, the student coordinator from the second MSc CFS. Students and faculty members expressed their appreciation, noting that the theme was captivating, informative, and well-executed. The session was described as interactive and engaging. A total of 55 students and 3 faculty members attended the event. Ms. Nashwa Iqbal, the Secretary of Forensis Forum compered the event.







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