Report by Ms. Shirlene, first year MSc CFS cum media coordinator

The Post-Graduation Department of Criminology and Forensic Science, Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and Forensic Alumni Association Roshni Mangalore (FAARM) had organized a guest lecture on “Questioned Documents” for first year students of MSc Criminology and Forensic Science on 23rd August 2024 at 11.30am in the PG Department of Criminology and Forensic Science. Mr. Akash Dezlie Machado the alumni of the department was the resource person. The objective of the session was to understand the requirements and different aspects of Questioned Documents used by the officers in the field of Forensic Science.

Ms. Aparna, student of 1st year MSc Criminology and Forensic Science introduced the speaker. Further, Mr. Akash Dezlie Machado began the session by introducing the concept of “QUESTIONED DOCUMENTS”. He explained the meaning and various topics such as handwriting, signature, making of reports and how the students can deal in a judicial setting as a Forensic Scientist in the later years. He defined each concept in depth and briefed the students about the various aspects that are in relation to it. Thereafter, He also dealt with the elements of report making, as well-defined report effectively communicates the result of an investigation or research, facilitating informed decision making.

Students expressed that the session was interactive and knowledgeable. They could openly clarify all doubts and queries without any hesitation. They also wished to have many more sessions like this in future. The session concluded at 12.30pm with a vote of thanks delivered by Ms. Shirlene Maben, student of first year MSc Criminology and Forensic Science. Altogether, 15 students were present during the session.




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