Report by Ms. Shirlene, first year MSc CFS cum media coordinator

The Post-Graduate Department of Criminology and Forensic Science, Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and Forensic Alumni Association Roshni Mangalore (FAARM) had organized a guest lecture on “Dynamics of Security” for first year student of MSc Criminology and Forensic Science on 16th August 2024 at 1.30pm in the PG Department of CFS. Mr. Vishnu Prasad, alumni of the department was the resource person. The goal was to provide a comprehensive understanding of security dynamics and stimulate interest and awareness in the field of security.

Dr. Saritha D’souza, Head of PG Department of Criminology and Forensic Science introduced the speaker. Further, Mr. Vishnu Prasad began the session by introducing the concept of security”. He explained the meaning and various aspects of security such as physical security, cyber security and information security then he defined each concept in depth. Thereafter, he gave a detailed description of the dynamics of security and its classifications such as threat analysis, espionage and surveillance. Each of these concepts were taught thoroughly with meanings, types and purpose of the same along with the examples. Considering the constant technological advancements and new security threats, the students were briefed about the latest implementations and developments followed by various strategies to manage security.

Students expressed that the session was interactive and knowledgeable and had a precise presentation. They could openly clarify all doubts and queries without any hesitation. They also wished to have many more sessions like this in future. The session concluded at 3.00pm with a vote of thanks delivered by Ms. Cressida Mascarenhas, student of first year MSc Criminology and Forensic Science. Altogether, 15 students were present during the session.






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