Report by Rohith V, 2nd MSc. Counselling

The 2nd year student’s department of MSc. Counselling conducted a freshers' welcome program that commenced at 1:45 PM on the 16th of July, 2024 that was on a Tuesday. The programme started with a prayer song led by Sister Clara and her team. Following the prayer, Hanan provided an introduction to the program. The program’s hosts were Fathima Abbas and Rohith.

Then an icebreaker activity was introduced which required the juniors to introduce the person sitting next to them, adding a twist that led to fun and engaging conversations among the members.

Fathima Abbas and Rohith introduced the games for the day. The participants were divided into four teams, with a few seniors included in each team. Then each team was asked to give a name to their group. The games conducted included CHINESE WHISPER which involved the team members to interact with each other, FOLLOW THE DANCE STEPS in which the teammates had to do the same dance step which was shown by the previous person, CONNECTIONS in which the team had to connect all the pictures shown to them and find out the answer. The team members seemed very much interested and active during this game. The next game was IN THE AIR, in this game the team members had to stand in a circle while holding their hands and a ballon was thrown above and the team members had to maintain the ballon in the air using only their head and should not leave their hands. The last game was PICTIONARY, in this game one person from each team came forward and was given a name of an object and they had to draw and their team members should find it.

The event concluded with a vote of thanks delivered by Mymoon Luthfa on behalf of the second-year MSc Counseling students. The freshers shared their experiences about the program with everyone, and the professors’ sponsored sweets which was distributed to all members present. The program concluded at 3:15 PM. A total of 55 students participated in this program.




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