Report by Deeksha, II MSc Counselling.

A capacity enhancement program was conducted by department of MSc counselling, School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya, Mangaluru. For III BA students, School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya.

The session was facilitated by 13 second year MSc counselling students on August 24th 2023 from 10 am to 10.45 am for 27 student participants of IIIBA.
The objective of the session was to share information and to explain to them about the consequences of not forgiving people and the importance of forgiveness and also to educate the group members the ways to practice forgiveness.

The session began with an ice-breaking activity to build group cohesion, followed by a discussion on the importance of confidentiality and mutual respect. The main topic, forgiveness, was introduced through the "Heavy Hearts" exercise, which helped members release feelings of revenge and highlighted the benefits of forgiveness on physical, mental, and emotional well-being. This was followed by "Release and Reassess," an exercise emphasizing the role of forgiveness in daily life for improved well-being. Finally, the "Empathy Mapping" activity taught members to understand others' perspectives and explored ways to cultivate forgiveness. The session concluded with a summary and feedback from participants, that they got a valuable opportunity to learn and practice forgiveness in everyday life.








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