Report by: Fathima Abbas, II Msc counselling

As a part of the common PG Forum activity on 28 August 2024 at 3:30pm the postgraduate department of counselling organized a capacity enhancement program.

The session was facilitated by 27 second-year MSc Counselling students. 130 members from the MSW, MSc Counselling and MSc CFS departments of the School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya were part of the sessions.

The training session was designed to enhance participants' understanding of self-compassion and its importance in life. The session began with an introduction to the concept of self-compassion, emphasizing that it is similar to the compassion one would show to others but directed towards oneself. The first exercise “cultivating self-compassion “aimed to help participants explore the meaning of self-compassion by analyzing their inner self talk.

The next exercise “compassion and action” focused on identifying personal practices of self-compassion. This exercise helped participants to recognize their own self-compassionate practices and identify areas where they could improve.

The final exercise “self-compassion act” encouraged participants to brainstorm practical strategies for developing self-compassion.







They worked in pairs, role-playing scenarios, it provided practical tools and techniques for participants to incorporate self-compassion into their daily lives, such as using "releasing statements" to shift negative self-talk, practicing self-acceptance, and engaging in mindfulness practices.

The session concluded with a summary of the key points discussed and feedback from the participants. They expressed that they found the exercises insightful and that they intended to apply the techniques learned in their lives.

The session successfully met its objectives by increasing awareness of self-compassion, highlighting its importance, and providing practical tools for improving self-compassion.

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