The inauguration of the National Conference on "Mindful Minds: Confronting Mental Health Issues in the Digital Age" on 6th April 2024 was organised by the Medical & Psychiatric Social Work specialization (family Cosmos Forum) commenced at 9:30 am in Maria Paiva Hall. Ms. Srejana Shetty, from II MSW was the MC. She welcomed dignitaries and delegates, followed by a prayer led by Josephine and group, and a captivating welcome dance by Ms. Sharanya and Ms. Sindhoora. Ms. Sona Prakash, the student convener, escorted the esteemed dignitaries onto the stage. Dr. Meena Monteiro, the Dean & organizing secretary formally welcomed the attendees, marking the ceremony's formal start with the lighting of the lamp. The dignitaries at the inaugural ceremony were the inaugurator Dr Devendrappa H Registrar Evaluation, Dr. Avinash Kamath, Consultant child & adolescent Psychiatrist, KMC, Mangalore Dr Jenis Mary, Vice Principal, School of Social Work, Roshni Niaya, Mangalore, Prof Eveleen Benis HoD Department of MSW and Dr. Meena Monteiro Dean & organising Sercretary of OASIS -2024.

The inaugural proceedings featured an introduction by Ms. Olvita, 1st MSW, who introduced Dr. Devendrappa H, Registrar (Evaluation) Mangalore University, as the inaugurator. Dr. Devendrappa H delivered an insightful speech on contemporary mental health issues in the digital age, emphasizing the effects of technology on mental well-being and the necessity for collective action.

Followed by the presidential address by Dr. Jenis P. Mary, Vice Principal of the college, stressed the vital role of mindfulness in tackling the widespread challenges to mental health in our fast-paced contemporary society. By addressing the constant barrage of stimuli and distractions, she advocated for mindfulness as an effective remedy to counter addiction and mitigate the weight of past regrets or future anxieties. Dr. Mary elucidated that mindfulness entails being completely present in the moment, devoid of judgment, and nurturing acceptance of one's thoughts and emotions. Through techniques such as body scan meditations and breath work, individuals can foster mindfulness and enhance their self-awareness.

Following the inaugural session, Dr. Meena Monteiro provided an overview of the conference theme. The first session, led by Dr. Avinash Kamath, a Consultant Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist from KMC Mangalore, along with the Guest of Honour, spoke on the theme β€œYouth & adolescent Mental Health in the digital age”. He discussed the intricate relationship between brain development and the widespread impact of digital technology. They highlighted the susceptibility of young individuals to digital stimuli during crucial developmental phases, emphasizing the necessity for mindful interaction amidst the pervasive digitization of daily life. Dr. Kamath warned about the potential repercussions of excessive digital consumption, such as hyperactivity and memory impairment. He emphasized the significance of parental guidance, digital literacy, and access to mental health resources in navigating the complexities of the digital era, advocating for a balanced approach to digital engagement to safeguard the mental well-being of youth.




Session 2, Dr. Rameela Shekhar former Prof. Dept. of MSW, School of Social Work, Roshni Nialya & a Mental health professional presented on "Mindfulness and Connection in a Chaotic Digital Environment," with Reshma Jose serving as the MC. Reshma provided an introduction to Dr. Rameela's expertise. Dr. Rameela discussed behavioral issues in a chaotic digital environment and defined mindfulness as being consciously aware, citing Ellen Langer's definition. She shared examples of how mindfulness can positively impact individuals, emphasizing its importance in anchoring oneself to the present moment. Dr. Rameela highlighted the contrast between mindfulness and mindlessness, addressing the prevalence of autopilot behavior among people. She discussed the digital dilemma, emphasizing the need to disconnect from constant digital engagement to alleviate tech-related stress. Dr. Rameela emphasized the importance of mindfulness in fostering genuine connections amidst daily life challenges. She outlined digital problems such as over-involvement and addiction to notifications, while also highlighting the benefits of digital mindfulness, including enhanced focus and improved relationships. Dr. Rameela concluded by presenting strategies for mindful digital connection and encouraged finding balance between online and offline activities. Reshma then called upon Sanigha to deliver the vote of thanks, concluding the session.

Session 3, led by Dr. Ammu Lukose Asst. Professor, Department of Counselling Psychology, Loyala College of Social Sciences, Trivandrum delivered a presentation titled "Inspire to Rewire: Emotional Intelligence through Storytelling," with Jesline serving as the MC for the session. Jesline provided a brief introduction to Dr. Ammu's expertise before the presentation. Dr. Ammu recounted a story about a castle where a small boy named Vishnu and a rabbit engaged in a unique form of play. Following the storytelling segment, Dr. Ammu engaged the audience by prompting them to share their interpretations of the story. She emphasized the importance of socio-emotional abilities such as social interaction, emotional awareness, and self-regulation.

Dr. Ammu discussed emotional intelligence and its connection to artificial intelligence, highlighting the neurobiological implications of building socio-emotional skills through storytelling. She addressed the issue of phone addiction, noting its prevalence not only among children but also among youth and adults. Dr. Ammu referenced Dr. Dan Siegel's hand model of the brain to illustrate the concept of mindfulness in emotional situations.

She discussed the qualitative impact of inspiring individuals to rewire their emotional intelligence, emphasizing the importance of addressing underlying issues and sharing personal experiences. Dr. Ammu drew inspiration from her colleagues at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, acknowledging them by name. The session concluded with Dr. Ammu's presentation, and Melisha was invited by the MC to deliver the vote of thanks.

Subsequently, a thematic presentation by students of Roshni Nilaya unfolded in the auditorium.

After thematic presentations and competitions, a brief refreshment break preceded the valedictory session. Ms. Sona Prakash escorted dignitaries to the dais, followed by valedictory address delivered by Prof. Vineetha K, Registrar evaluation & HoD Department of BSW and Mr. Aiwin Matthew Social Worker, Sunbeam, UK. Dr. Meena Monteiro delivered the vote of thanks, concluding the session with the announcement of winners and distribution of prizes.

The conference concluded successfully, leaving 200 attendees inspired and equipped with valuable insights to address mental health challenges in the digital age.



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