The Family Cosmos Forum in collaboration with the IAQC, School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya, Mangaluru organized a Thematic presentation on the topic "Life is precious- Never Give up' to commemorate the occasion of Suicide Prevention Month on 18 September 2024, at 3:30 pm in Maria Paiva Hall, under the guidance of Dr. Meena Monteiro, Dean, PG Studies and Ms. Ramya B., Faculty Incharge.

The objective of the event was to create awareness among students about Self Harm and Suicide and how to prevent it.

The program began with a prayer song led by II MSW students, Ms. Bhakthi and Ms. Melisa. The master of ceremony for the program, Ms. Aleena welcomed the gathering. The students from MPSW division enacted a 'Role Play' showcasing life is fragile, how words and behaviors of people around can uplift or tear people down. They were able to spread the message that all it takes is a little kindness, love, encouragement and support for people to help them overcome and push through difficult times, situations and challenges. This was followed by a presentation given by I MSW students, Fr. Anoop and Sharon Diaz on the topic : 'Life is precious- Never give up'. They educated the gathering about Self Harm and Suicide, current scenario of our country when death by suicide is concerned, the risk factors for suicide in India across the lifespan, different modes of suicide and alleged circumstances or reasons for committing it, suicidal warning signs, what to say or do if someone you know is self harming and the interventional therapies that can aid in prevention of self harm and suicide. They shared with the audience 3 mantras to remember to 'Say Yes to Life': 1) Life is precious 2)You are not alone and 3) Ask for Help. A video was played for the audience titled 'You are not alone' with a strong message to reach out to your loved ones if you are contemplating suicide. It takes a moment of weakness to take one's life but also a moment to reach out and seek help. The difference is the latter choice can save your life.

Ms. Aleena then opened the floor for discussion and feedback. Mr. Akshay delivered the vote of thanks. The program ended with the National Anthem. Total Number of Participants 200




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