A Workshop on Research was organised by PG Department of Social Work, at Seminar Hall, on 12th July, 2024. The resource person of the workshop was Dr. Pradeep M.D, Advocate, Research Professor & Educational Consultant.

The workshop was interactive and the learners eagerly participated in learning and understanding the fundamentals of Research Methodology. Workshop explored the various aspects of conducting a research and the process of it. The workshop was quiet appealing for the learners as the resource person connected well with the examples in and around of our day today life situations, thereby focusing the significance of conducting a research as well as types of research. Dr. Pradeep did stress on the need to abide by the ethics while conducting a research.

The resource person at the second part of the workshop did highlight the importance of publishing research papers at various journals. The learners did mention that the workshop was meaningful and of high value. The workshop was attended by 55 learners from second year MSW.





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