Report by Ms. Brinelle Deyola Fernandes, II BSW

On July 16, 2024, BSW Department - SAHAYOG Forum and IQAC of School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya, Mangalore organized an insightful workshop titled "Understanding the POCSO Act: A Comprehensive Overview" for 46 BSW students (16 first-year and 30 second-year students). The workshop was held in the College Auditorium at 2:30 pm.

The session began with a warm welcome and introduction of the resource person, Mr. Yogish MalligeMaadu, Youth Mentor, Samvada by Sr. Divya Jyothi, Second Year BSW student. The primary aim of the workshop was to equip Social Work students with a thorough understanding of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, ensuring they are knowledgeable about its provisions and implications when working in school settings. The workshop included an in-depth overview of the POCSO Act, practical demonstration, and interactive discussions. The session concluded with a Q&A session, followed by a vote of thanks delivered by Ms. Alvita Dsouza, II BSW student expressing gratitude to Mr. Yogish MalligeMaadu for his insightful guidance and to all participants for their active engagement. The programme was meticulously organized under the leadership of Asst. Prof. Veena B K, HoD of the BSW Department, with Asst. Prof. Anusuya Kamath, Asst. Prof. Colin D'Souza, and Asst. Prof. Deepika Sanil was present.

The workshop achieved its objective of providing Social Work students with a detailed understanding of the POCSO Act, its provisions, and implications. The comprehensive coverage, combined with practical demonstration and interactive discussions, ensured that participants left with a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities in safeguarding children.

The workshop enhanced the participants' readiness to implement the POCSO Act while working in school settings, contributing to a safer and more supportive environment for children.









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