On July 16, 2024, the BSW Department- SAHAYOG Forum and IQAC of School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya, Mangalore organized a workshop titled "Skill Development for Effective Child Support: Childline's Services and Interventions." The workshop aimed to enhance the skills and knowledge of the participants regarding child support services and interventions.

The workshop commenced at 1:30pm in the college Auditorium for 16 First Year BSW Students. Ms. Brahmi, a third-year BSW student, warmly welcomed the participants and introduced the resource person, Mrs. Revathi, Caseworker, DCPU Child Helpline 1098, Dakshina Kannada.

Mrs. Revathi began the session by discussing the rights of children and the functions of Childline. She elaborated on the procedures and techniques employed by Childline to take action and provide support to children in need, particularly those who have been abused. The session also covered the various interventions used by Childline to protect and assist children, as well as the facilities available to them. Following the presentation, an engaging Q&A session was held, where participants provided valuable feedback on the workshop's content, format, and facilitation.

The session concluded with a heartfelt vote of thanks delivered by Ms. Akshaya T Martin, a final-year BSW student. The workshop was meticulously organized under the leadership of Asst. Prof. Veena B K, Head of the BSW Department, with Asst. Prof. Anusuya Kamath, Asst. Prof. Colin D'Souza, and Asst. Prof. Deepika Sanil was present.
Report by Mr. Sanketh D Nayak- III BSW





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