Reported by Ms. Suraksha R- II BSW

The BSW department- SAHAYOG forum, and IQAC of School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya, Mangalore, organized a two-day workshop on "Street Play Training" for 16 first-year BSW students on July 19 and 20, 2024. The workshop aimed to equip participants with the skills and confidence to effectively perform Street Plays and address social issues through this art form.

The workshop began with a warm welcome and introduction of the resource person, Mr. Jagan Pawar Bekal, Director, Sanketha, Mangalore by Sr. Priya Veronica D'Souza, Second year BSW student. The session covered various aspects of Street Play, including skill development, acting techniques, voice and gesture training, and script development. The hands-on approach enabled students to gain practical experience in developing compelling scripts and performing Street Plays.

The highlight of the workshop was when the students actually performed a Street Play with dialogues, actions, and songs on the themes of human trafficking and cybercrime. The play was a powerful depiction of the social evils and the impact they have on individuals and society. The students' energetic and convincing performance was a testament to their newfound skills and confidence.

The workshop concluded with a Q&A session, followed by a vote of thanks delivered by Ms. Nivya Alphonsa Sabu, Second year BSW student. The programme was meticulously organized under the leadership of Asst. Prof. Veena B. K, Head of the BSW department, with support from Asst. Prof. Anusuya Kamath, Asst. Prof. Colin D'Souza, and Asst. Prof. Deepika Sanil.

This engaging workshop enabled students to gain a deeper understanding of Street Play and its potential for social change and equipping students with the skills necessary to harness the power of Street Play for social impact.






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