- Visit to the Bejai Museum, Mangalore, on 5th July 2014 by the BA students.
- Identification of primary and secondary data through the exhibits in the museum, a hands-on experience for the students.
- A visual display of culture and its influence on the economic life and the social life of people through generations.
- Inter-class collage competition on 11thJuly, 2014: “Population – Boon or Bane!”
- Instilled awareness among students aboutthe increasing population growth in India and its socio-economic consequences.
- Inter-class essay writing competition held on 21st July, 2014: “Population Growth – A Growing Menace!”
- Inter-class mime competition (on issues such as sexual harassment, environmental issues, child labour and addiction) in collaboration with “Sahyog”, the BSW Forum, held on 5th August, 2014.