The Group Dynamics and Personality Development was organized by IQAC, School of social work, Roshni Nilaya for the II year students of BA/BSW was held on 11th May 2022 and 12th May 2022. Mr.Emmanuel Angelo is the Managing Director of Sanctuary Trust that works for the development, training and research among the prison, police, tribal, CSWs and their children.

On the first day,11th May, the session began with a prayer song (at 9: 55a.m) followed by a welcome speech (at 9: 58a.m) and thereafter an introductory speech to the chief guest (at 10: 00a.m). Further the Principal, Dr. Juliet C.J. spoke to the resource person and thanked the chief guest on behalf of the management and students.

By 10:05a.m Mr.Emmanuel Angelo gave a self introductory speech followed by his session for the day which began at 10: 10a.m where all the students were asked to take a piece of paper and write a self-introduction themselves and that one factor that each one considers to be proud about themselves. The students were also asked to stick those pages on the notice board. Later at 10:48a.m, Mr. Emmanuel asked the students to again write a small note about themselves, but apart from the earlier self-introduction which included their name, parents, age, religion, or any such social factors or external declarations, one was supposed to list out those internal emotions or characters of oneself which they believe define them better. This was a wonderful activity by the end of which students were able to realize that they are not the mere external details or appearance with which they are addressed. By 11:10a.m, Mr. Emmanuel started with a new concept of the real self and portrayed self. At 11:15a.m students were given a break of 15 minutes.

At 11:40a.m the session resumed on the concept of self in which the topics such as, what do you mean by personality and what determines personality were included. At 12:00p.m, students and the resource person had a discussion on what every student believes that they had lost in their life till date. By 12:10p.m, the students were given a paper which they had to stick on their backs and other students around them were supposed to mention all the good things about them on the paper stuck behind them. Reading all those good comments written about them made every student extremely happy and accepted. This helped inculcate a positive feeling in students.

By 01:45p.m, the session resumed with a game based on luck. After whichMr. Emmanuel explained the Johari Model Window that involves the open area, hidden areas, blind spots, and unknown areas of one’s life. Later brainstorming on the topic, ‘Managing Troublesome Personality’ was done. By 2:45p.m, a 15 minutes talk on the strengths and weaknesses of a person was given. By 2:50p.m, the positive and negative emotions of a person were listed out which went up till 2:55 p.m. By 3:15p.m, students were given a short break of 5 minutes.

By 3:20p.m, attendance was taken again after the break. At 3:25p.m, a dance video by a small kid was shown to all, and the students were asked to dance like the baby in the video which created a whole roar of laughter and happiness amongst the entire batch. By 3:30p.m, the session resumed on the topic, emotions, and intensity. At 3:40p.m, a personal activity was given to the students in which they themselves should mark the readings on an emotional thermometer based on the past week of theirs. At 3:42p.m, Sir spoke about how to control negative emotions. At 3:45p.m, two volunteers were called from the students' group to enact a role play about approaching a positive emotion, followed by another volunteer who was asked to enact a role play about approaching a negative emotion. By 4:00p.m, Sir completed the topic on coping with emotions, and with that he concluded the workshop for the day. That was the end of a very fruitful session on day 1(11th May 2022).

DAY-2 (12/05/2022)

On the second day of the workshop, 12th May 2022, Thursday, the session began at 9: 45a.m, soon after the attendance. The students were given a questionnaire to answer on behavioral style in which there were 4 groups of statements. Once the students answered the questionnaire, the dominant characteristics of each student were explained based on the score received in any of the groups. Thus, they were grouped into four different categories and a detailed discussion on the dominant trait of every group was done for around one hour.

By 11:30a.m, the attendance was taken and the session resumed by 11:40a.mwith brainstorming. At 11:55a.m, all the students were subjected to an activity wherein every student was given a balloon and a pin each. All were instructed to inflate the balloon and later were given 2 minutes to save the balloon. This was a fun-filled session at the end of which an extremely important lesson especially for the youngsters was imparted to the students.

At 12:10p.m, with the help of two volunteers, Mr. Emmanuel listed out a few things which actually make a relationship healthy and unhealthy. Further, he also explained how relationships work and a few strategies one should maintain to build a strong relationship.

At 1:35p.m, attendance was taken again. By 1:50p.m, the session began after lunch on the topic “Understanding Time”. At 2:00p.m, every student was given individual work to identify how they feel about their own past. This activity was called “River of Life '', wherein every student was asked to rate their lives from around 5 years of their age to their present age and observe if there are ups and downs in all of their lives which is a very normal thing. By 2:10p.m, Mr. Emmanuel narrated a beautiful and insightful story about a father and a son where the father’s ECG was being observed.

The story created deep thoughts within the students and the topic of understanding went on for around 30 minutes. By 2:45.p.m, a video was shown to all the students which turned on the spirits of even the extremely lethargic ones. By 2:50p.m, Mr. Emmanuel came to a conclusion on the topics he had been taking up on those two days of the session. Hence the students were addressed and were given a small activity wherein all were asked to mention 1 thing they wanted to give to this world and one thing they wanted to remove from this world. After this, the students were asked to stick their papers on the notice boards. With this, the beautiful and liveliest workshop so far came to an end.












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