Report By, Sr.Priya Vernonica D’Souza, II BSW

Personality Development Program on the theme Self-Acceptance was organised for II BSW students on 7th July 2024 in the college auditorium.

Fr. Rohan Dias, Assistant Professor, Psychology Department led the session Fr. Rohan Dias, Fr. Rohan Dias began the seminar by highlighting the importance of self-kindness. He explained that self-compassion is crucial for developing self-awareness, enabling individuals to handle life's challenges with resilience and grace. By being kind to ourselves, we cultivate a healthier mindset, which leads to greater personal growth and fulfilment. The seminar included various activities and games designed to enhance self-awareness and keep participants engaged.

A significant part of the seminar was dedicated to goal setting. Fr. Rohan introduced the SMART criteria, a framework to improve the effectiveness of our goals. He explained the acronym as follows:

  • S - Specific: Goals should be clear and well-defined, eliminating any ambiguity.
  • M - Measurable: Establish criteria for tracking progress and achieving goals.
  • A - Attainable: Goals should be realistic and achievable, considering available resources and constraints.
  • R - Realistic: While goals should challenge one's abilities, they must remain feasible.
  • T - Time-bound: Setting a deadline creates a sense of urgency and helps maintain focus and motivation.

Fr. Rohan emphasized the importance of prioritizing goals. He advised participants to identify their most significant aspirations and allocate their time and resources accordingly. This approach ensures alignment with core values and long-term objectives.

The seminar concluded with an interactive session where attendees shared their personal goals and received feedback from Fr. Rohan. This collaborative environment fostered a sense of community and support among participants, encouraging them to pursue their goals with renewed vigor and determination.24 students participated in the session

Overall, the seminar provided valuable insights into self-awareness and strategic goal setting. Fr. Rohan Dias’s engaging presentation and practical advice left a lasting impact on all attendees, equipping them with the tools to cultivate a more self-aware and purpose-driven life.









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