"Reflection 2024 was organised for I, II- and III-year BA, BSW and B. Com on 3rd and 4th September 2024. This two-day event, a joint initiative by the Indian Society of Training and Development (ISTD) Mangalore and Udupi Chapter, in partnership with the Roshni Alumni Association and the School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya, featured eight training sessions conducted by esteemed resource persons from diverse fields. The program commenced with an invocation seeking divine blessings. Ms. Navy K, the president, warmly welcomed the gathering.

Mr. Brian Fernandes, Chairman of the Indian Society for Training and Development, Mangalore/Udupi Chapter, delivered a thought-provoking presidential address at Reflection 2024. In his presidential address he emphasized the importance of continuous skill enhancement for students, illustrating his point with a compelling example. He passionately argued that acquiring new skills not only elevates job performance and amplifies employability, but also unlocks boundless career opportunities. Addressing the students, he stressed that skill development is crucial not only for professional growth but also for personal evolution, enabling them to become more engaged and responsible members of society.

The first session of the event, focused on Self-Awareness and Personal Growth, was conducted by Dr. Farita Veigas. This session was designed to encourage participants to look inward and assess their personal abilities, a crucial step toward self-improvement. Students were divided into smaller groups, fostering a collaborative environment where they could openly reflect on their strengths and areas for growth. Each group was tasked with selecting a leader who would present their collective insights, thereby promoting both introspection and leadership. Dr. Veigas concluded the session with a guided meditation, offering students an opportunity to engage in deeper reflection, allowing them to internalize the day's lessons in a calm and peaceful state of mind.

Ms. Neha Pai hosted the next session, shifting the focus to mental health and well-being, which play a pivotal role in students' academic and personal success. In her exploration of Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Emotional Quotient (EQ), Ms. Pai delved into how emotional awareness and regulation can influence one's ability to navigate complex interpersonal and professional landscapes. To ensure the session remained interactive and enjoyable, she incorporated a game of dumb charades, which effectively lightened the mood while serving as an illustrative tool for conveying her points about emotional expression. She referenced the famous quote from Bambi, "If you can't say something good, say nothing at all," underscoring the need for thoughtful, positive communication. In addition to this, Ms. Pai provided practical tools for stress management, including the use of journaling to process emotions and mindfulness practices to maintain mental equilibrium. She also discussed the characteristics of emotionally intelligent world leaders, offering inspiring examples to motivate students to cultivate these traits.

The third session, led by Ms. Shalini Prabhu, was aimed at honing Effective Communication Skills, an essential component for final-year students as they prepare for their professional journeys. Ms. Prabhu emphasized the importance of both verbal and non-verbal communication in daily interactions, stressing how the careful choice of words and tone can significantly impact the outcome of conversations. She cautioned students against the use of "crutch words"—words or sounds used to fill silence and convey uncertainty—and encouraged them to practice clear, confident speech. In addressing public speaking, often cited as a common fear, Ms. Prabhu reassured students that regular practice is the key to mastering it. Her session was filled with practical advice on preparing for job interviews, making it particularly relevant for students on the verge of entering the workforce.

Sri Ranjan Bellarpady, coordinator of the Ramakrishna Mission - Swacch Mangaluru, took the stage for the next session, which was themed around Harmony with Oneself and Others. His talk was structured around three guiding principles: belief in oneself, love for India, and the power of prayer. Drawing from his personal journey and mission to promote environmental sustainability, Sri Bellarpady captivated the audience with stories of his efforts to combat plastic waste by converting it into road-building material. This initiative not only addresses environmental concerns but also generates employment, making it an inspiring model for how individual commitment can yield broad societal benefits. His session was not merely informative but deeply motivational, culminating in a meditation exercise that left students with a sense of inner peace and purpose.






































Returning to lead the fourth session, Ms. Neha Pai shifted the focus to Time Management and Productivity, emphasizing that significant achievements can be realized within the constraints of a 24-hour day. Using the success stories of SpaceX, Tesla, and Elon Musk as examples, she conveyed that effective time management is a cornerstone of success. Ms. Pai introduced a variety of strategies, including the "3Fs" approach—Effective, Efficient, and Effortless—which encourages students to approach tasks with clarity and purpose. Additionally, she elaborated on popular prioritization techniques, such as the Eisenhower Matrix, the ABC Method, and the Pareto Principle. By offering a range of tools, she catered to different work styles, ensuring each participant could find a strategy that resonated with them. She also emphasized the importance of avoiding procrastination and shared a thought-provoking quote from John F. Kennedy: "The best time to repair your roof is when the sun is shining," encouraging students to take advantage of good times to prepare for challenges.

The second day of the event was equally engaging, beginning with Ms. Sachita Nandagopal’s session on Leadership and Teamwork. Through hands-on activities, she demonstrated how effective teamwork is not just a theoretical concept but a practical approach to achieving success. The students were assigned group tasks that required close coordination and communication, driving home the importance of collaboration in any setting. By experiencing the dynamics of teamwork first-hand, students could better appreciate its impact on efficiency and productivity, key elements they will need in their future careers.

Mr. Satwik J followed with a session on Career Planning and Development, which offered vital guidance to students as they prepare to transition into the professional world. He began by teaching them how to craft a strong introduction for professional settings—a skill that can significantly affect first impressions. The session also covered common interview questions, with Mr. Satwik providing tips on how to answer them with confidence and poise. He placed a special emphasis on the importance of a well-structured resume, highlighting how tailoring it to suit specific job roles can make a substantial difference in landing interviews.

The final session of the day was an interactive workshop led by the Study Metro Mangalore team, focused on Mastering Communication, Team Synergy, and Inner Engineering for Leadership Excellence. The afternoon session was an interactive workshop conducted by a team from Study Metro Mangalore, focusing on life skills, particularly "Mastering Communication, Team Synergy, and Inner Engineering for Leadership Excellence." The workshop was divided into four key segments: Inner Engineering for Self-Discovery: The session began with a deep dive into self-discovery, helping students overcome fears and build confidence. This segment provided a foundation for personal growth, encouraging participants to explore their inner strengths and align them with their leadership aspirations. Non-Verbal Communication in a Team: The next activity-based segment focused on non-verbal communication. Students engaged in exercises that highlighted the importance of body language and other non-verbal cues in a team setting. This hands-on experience underscored the significant role non-verbal communication plays in effective teamwork. Corporate Communication Strategies: The team then addressed the nuances of corporate communication, covering topics such as effective communication strategies, fostering interpersonal relationships, and engaging with stakeholders. The session also touched upon digital communication, crafting impactful presentations, and promoting a culture of open communication. Building a Successful Team: The final segment was dedicated to team building, where the importance of having a clear common goal was stressed. The session highlighted the critical elements of team success, such as defining team objectives, fostering effective communication, and enhancing team productivity. The discussion also covered the consequences of a lack of coordination and the impact of prejudice within a team. The workshop concluded with activities designed to strengthen team-building skills, encouraging students to celebrate team achievements and recognize the value of collaborative efforts.

Over the past two days, a wealth of knowledge and new skills have been taught to the students that will help them succeed both academically and personally. These insights could also be applied in their future endeavours. Each session was thoughtfully crafted to not only impart knowledge but also to engage students in meaningful activities that reinforced the concepts discussed. A total of 130 students from B.A, B.S.W and B. Com participated in this two-day event.

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